
In the Covenants

The Azerkatil exist in a liminal space between the European and Islamic worlds, creating a unique relationship with covenants in both spheres of influence. The Yanicheris’ greatest irony is the majority belong to the covenant they meant to destroy. The Azerkatil are less concerned than typical Dragons with overcoming the Kindred condition, instead preferring to perfect their physical mastery and explore the frontiers of occult science. Many belong to multiple covenants and act as deadly emissaries between the Defiant and their rivals.

Ahl al-Mumit

While the Wrathful were never populous in the Ottoman Empire, an Azerkatil contingent joined this covenant following their disillusionment with the Red Sultan. The Sultan created the Dragonslayers to destroy monsters, a talent the Ahl al-Mumit were able to focus and direct. Their numbers remain low tonight, but these Dragonslayers are among the most dangerous in the old Ottoman territories.

The Carthian Movement

A small but vocal group of Dragonslayers are Carthians. They insist their bloodline has always followed a variation of the Revolution’s message, one focused on applying humanity’s military science to the All Night Society, rather than mortal political theories. Often these Carthians also join the Ordo Dracul, and they form the core of a traditionalist movement within the bloodline.

The Circle of the Crone

Azerkatil lore keepers claim that before his obsession with Dracula, the Red Sultan eradicated a Byzantine covenant of Crúac witches from Kostantiniyye, the Tagma ton Xenon. Even older legends speak of a disease that spread blood magic like a plague and summoned forth enraged Strix. The Dragonslayers will not hesitate to destroy Acolytes if doing so prevents the Owls’ resurgence.

The Invictus

Ottoman Kindred inherited the Invictus from the Byzantines. It was from the First Estate the Azerkatil first arose, but once the Red Sultan’s folly was apparent, most abandoned the covenant. Tonight a few remain, waiting for the chance to strike a blow against the traitors who gave themselves over to their enemies. In the meantime, they work to form a modern-day Ottoman Camarilla, recruiting Kindred throughout Eastern Europe, North Africa, and the central Asian steppe.

The Lancea et Sanctum

The Lance has deep roots in Anatolia, and Ottoman Kindred leaned on the covenant for support. Tonight, they are curiosities of a bygone age in Turkey. The Azerkatil maintain their ancient compacts with the Sanctified, but the relationship becomes increasingly fraught each year New Rome’s legacy fades further into memory.


The Jaliniyya are dead and gone, the Azerkatil and their Discipline being their last remnant. At least, that’s the story the Dragonslayers tell themselves. New rumors crop up of Alchemists rising from torpor each year, and whispers suggest the Red Sultan made the Jaliniyya disappear to protect the bloodline’s secrets. If the Jaliniyya are returning, the Dragonslayers must determine if they are peers or rivals.

Encompassed species

Twists of the Blood: Acidic Veins

The Red Sultan created the Azerkatil to hunt other blood drinkers, so he ensured their Vitae would be difficult to steal. Kindred and Strix can feed from Azerkatil, but each Vitae taken inflicts one point of bashing damage on the imbiber, though the vampire can choose not to inflict this effect with the expenditure of a willpower point. Azerkatil Vitae might also deal damage to other supernatural creatures who use blood to sustain themselves, such as Blood Bathers.


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