Finding her Feet

Finding her Feet centers around Cynthia, who has to find her place - with her Sire, within her Clan, and within Chicagoland.

But first, she has to meet The Family...

When her Sire must tend to appearances and affairs of state, Cynthia needs to figure out her place. What does she do? Where does she go? Who does she meet? Why?

Quite apart from finding her place in her vampiric family, she needs to find her place in the greater order of the Haunts and Worms of Chicago.

Even if she knows where she stands with that, where does that leave her with the City hierarchy? Is she supposed to be a little Princess? Just another Fanger? Where does she fit?

Plot points/Scenes

There are three parts to the game, three arcs with different stories and themes and wildly different feels. The introduction into her Vampiric Abilities and the All-Night Society comes first in The Wonder Years plot, then the whole games shifts to darkness and conspiracy. Then I'll run the Darkness and Dragons plot, all about a Shadow War for the future of Chicago which occupies an entire decade. Lastly, is a plot of rebuilding and reconnection with the new Chicagoland in Brickwork.


Finding her Feet is a story that lasts thirty years, throughout all of Cynthia's fledgling period. It ends with either her Final Death or raising to Neonate status.

The Wonder Years

The 2010's are mostly about Cynthia and her figuring out what and who she is. She works diligently to complete her copies of A Vampire's Guide to Chicagoland. She bonds with her new vampiric family and builds relationships with them.

In the greater scope of Chicagoland, Clan politiking is getting fierce. Certain bloodlines are getting along poorly with others. Enemies gather on the outskirts of the City and paranoia is on a steep rise. These events touch on Cynthia as she ages, but they aren't a direct influence yet.

Darkness and Dragons

A shadow war breaks out as the massed enemies invade the City. Meanwhile, a civil war is being threatened from within if Hiram doesn't step down. Cynthia is caught in the midst of this as her skills in combat and stealth are honed. Her stories in the New 20's era of Chicagoland are stories of bloodshed and fear, paranoia and betrayal.


Cynthia doesn't come out of the fires of the new 20's clean. The 2030's become about putting the pieces back together and rebuilding Clan bonds.

Articles under Finding her Feet


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