The Wonder Years

On becoming a vampire, Cynthia gained an entirely new set of monstrously strange "relatives" that she's going to have to meet and get to know...

Plot points/Scenes



2010 only lasts two months of her vampiric life, November and December. She spends the majority of it connecting with her new vampiric "family" and

Family Dinner

After her Embrace, Charlie lets Hiram know that The Family have sat down to have a Family Dinner, their first in three decades. Obviously it's important, everyone gathered together...well, not everyone. Someone is conspicuously missing, and no one will talk about it.

Working for Charlie

Charlie takes Cynthia on to help him stop a criminal, all under the guise of Training. He set Cynthia up with Heather to collect on a loan, and Peter to stop a possible breach in the Masquerade.

New Year's Eve

The Fledgling Haunts decide to get together for New Year's Eve.


Cynthia is going to buckle down and work on her Mastery.


Taking a break from her duties as a scribe, Cynthia works on her Nightmare powers.


Unique but Related: The Native Haunts are all damaged creatures shaped by decades as Vampires, all bereft of family in their mortal lives and seeking something akin to it during their Requiems.

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