The Towers Cabal

What Towers Cabal? This? Oh, this was deleted by a temporal wave that altered all of Chicago. So, as I said, what Towers Cabal?


In 2017 three mages joined forces by such an absurd accident that it must have been Fate. Each had stained their shirt during their work hours in their mundane lives and instead of using magic to alter their appearances, each apprentice Mage just grabbed a t-shirt from the souvenir stand near the El Train and came to the Consilium meeting in this month's meeting place.

After sitting through hours of petty grievances the Hierarch Coeuselli announced the formation of a new Cabal. When he looked up, however, he saw no one awake that looked like they were part of a new Cabal save the three apprentices in matching t-shirts. He had no notes about the Cabal and so just announced them as "the Towers Cabal" and left it at that, moving on to new business.

Since their accidental official formation, they have stuck together rather than dissolve their association.

2017 - 2020

Secret, Occult
Parent Organization