
A Vampire was staked and dragged into the Sun in front of the mall on Halloween!

This is the rumor circulating throughout Chicagoland, spreading like a second Great Fire and just as easily driving most Elders to their Havens to ride it out. Hiram sends out volunteers, of a sort, Mae volunteers Nuo, Bridget volunteers herself, and Samuel was chosen by Hiram after most of the rest of his bloodline had vanished into shadows.

Can these Vampires figure out who was staked?

Plot points/Scenes

The Characters choose where they go, what and who they investigate, and what conclusions they come to. I have no planned elements or endgame.



  • Identify the Perpetrator
  • Identify the Victim
  • Hooks

    During the 2020 Meat Market, just after sunset, a weak vampire pushed into the Elysium past security, only to be tackled by ghoul security guards before reaching Hiram. Hiram walked to the vampire, who uttered this sentence:

    "Prince HIram, a vampire was dragged out of the mall and staked in broad daylight in front of witnesses. I managed to get away."
    The unknown vampire then experienced an agonizing final death, succumbing to its wounds. A piece of a stake was embedded in it, only revealed when the vampire turned to ash.

    Plot type
    Parent Plot
    Related Characters
    Related Organizations


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