Berdusk Orcslayer

Founder of Berdusk

Divine Domains

  • Potential Knight of the Sword

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  1. Was given Moeliel by Endelyn Moongrave when he sought to save his people (He's a steadholder of Baulder's Gate). The premonition power gave him a chance to defeat the orc hordes and found Berdusk as well as the settlements around. 
  2. 8 years later as part of his bargain he had to return to Endelyn. This is about the time Tiam's Chosen made their open moves and eventually allied with the orc hordes. 
  3. He gave up Moeliel of his own free will having seen it for what it truly was. It was later unmade by Endelyn and became Moelach, gaining power through the storms and the malicious wish stones. 

Failures & Embarrassments

  1. Many of his friends and allies fell as a result of the choices he's made. Each one weighing his soul down. Eventually he came to understand his dependance on Moeliel was only worsening him, and each time he'd truly saved someone it was by his own belief and faith in his fellows. 

Morality & Philosophy

  • Having faith in people is above all the most important force in creation. 


Social Aptitude

  • A man of earned confidence in himself and others.
  • Speaks in a bit of a southern drawl. 
Current Status
Seeking a way home
Current Location
Faith without deity