Baulder's Gate

Geopolitical, City-state


Waterdeep and Baulder's Gate have been historical allies in times of conflict and peace. Though they are neighbors they rarely dispute over resources or laws. It doesn't hurt that Baulder's Gate has always been an industrious Citystate that Waterdeep greatly benefits from.


Flaming Fist Coltaine understands the threat the Panion Domin represents firsthand and is in support of military action to protect Darujistan. He views the Abjurers of the city of vital import to military efforts.    Darujistan has always kept trade and protection agreements with it's larger neighbor to the north and the industrial nature of Baulder's Gate produces resources Darujistan uses on a regular basis.


Though the counsil of four is split on the subject of the Arcane Brotherhood, Coltaine has final say on Military matters and views the potential ally of powerful sorcerers as invaluable to the war effort. Magic to counter Magic as it's ever been.   The Arcane brotherhood views baulder's gate as a potentially strong industrial asset.

Begrudging Ally

Lord Neveremember believes the Coltaine to be little more than a martially competent savage from a destitute land.


The council of four of Baulder's Gate are not in agreement of Luskan and it's denizens and factions; however, they differ to the Flaming Fist Coltaine in military matters and if he deems it worth the risk of allowing them in he'll cast his vote with the Bregan D'arthe & Arcane Brotherhood.    Luskans view Baulder's gate as a productive and realistic community, if still ruled by pompous and racist nobles.


The nobility as a whole accepts the Doom Raider Zhentarim in the city. Though they're known for being the main organized criminal element in the city, they're "the devi...Devil we know". The Mansoon Zhentarim were rooted out of Baulder's Gate before the events of Founder's Day 1491 Burns Sleep.    Coltaine is still over all unconvinced on the Zhentarim as a whole and view them as a potential leek of information to the enemy but acknowledges the need for intelligence organizations in war.