Fokrul Assail

The Forkrul Assail existed about the same time as the Che'Malle. They employed the sorcery of Ahkrast Korvalain which gave their voices great magical power. They fought wars of eradication against many races, including the Tiste and the Che'Malle. The Forkrul Assail waned after they lost their war of eradication against the Che'Malle. It's believed their god was shattered and the gate to Ahkrast Korvalain was lost.

Basic Information


Sometimes similar to known creatures but often with too many appendages, joints, and dimensions. The crippled god is an example of this.

Genetics and Reproduction


Ecology and Habitats

Unknown, but from beyond the outer gates, and thereby known existence.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Social Structure


Average Intelligence

Known for extreme intelligence, though very alien in thought and behavior, believed to be equal in measure to the The K'Chain Che'Malle.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their "sorcery" of Ahkrast Korvalain is similar to psionic powers displayed by other creatures. It's alien in origin and thereby incapable with other forms of power.

Civilization and Culture


Now known as the Fallen god or the Crippled god this entity was a Fokrul Assail or possibly one of their gods. The Folkrul Assail were very few in number when they waged a war of extermination on the known existing races. By the very few who know of that time believed they were each sealed away either beyond the outer gates once more or became one of the elder evils.

Historical Figures

The Nine Fokrul Assail - (And other worlds), their Herald Guardian, their Walker
  • Crippled god (Scadrial), Mystra/Ishar, Ralmevik Ulmokina
  • Ciaphon -(None), Nalan'Elin, He Who Walks Before (Caused Orcus?)
  • Hadar - (None), Jezrien, He Who Walks Behind
  • Acamar (Dead or gone, maybe because of the 3 lost heralds) (He Who Walks Inside)
  • Delban - Talenel Elin He Who Walks Beside
  • Gibbeth - Paliah Ferondriar He Who Walks Beneath
  • Khirad - (None), Vedel, He Who Walks Above
  • Nihal - (None), Chanarach, She Who Walks In Kind
  • Zhudun - (Ebron)
  • Inbar - (Exandria)
Genetic Descendants
Average Physique
Varied greatly, no known repeat individuals.