Sister Calm

Expert on Dragons and one of the three leaders of the Arcane Brotherhood, Sister Calm exemplifies the devotion to knowledge the organization boasts. She's at least a handful of centuries old and the current holder of the denarius Saluriel.

Personality Characteristics


"To reduce the total amount of evil in the world" -Knights of the Blackened Denarius

Likes & Dislikes

She's disdain for organizations that regulate and attempt to control the use and pursuit of arcane knowledge. It's easy to surmise she views Darujistan, the White Counsel, and similar organizations poorly.

Virtues & Personality perks

Sister calm is extremely loyal to her allies and would not betray them for personal gain.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sister Calm is devoted to the pursuit of arcane knowledge to the degree that her own life is considered insignificant by comparison.


Sister calm is always immaculately clean along with her clothing and equipment.


Contacts & Relations

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sister Calm