Arcane Brotherhood

A group of sorcerers and wizards whom devote themselves to the study and growth of power. Mostly made up of tieflings, dragonborn, genasi, drow, duergar, deep gnomes, and other innately magical minority humanoids whom are often scorned or hunted in other areas of the world. They are based in Luskan and are the main producers of magical goods and services there.   Recently a large number of their members were Assassinated by a tabaxi and a cadre of Black Abishai.

Trusted Ally

These factions respect and work in concert to one another's aims so consistently that they are often considered the same by outsiders. To the Bregan D'arthe (Jarlaxle specifically) and the leaders of the Arcane Brotherhood this relationship has proven so mutually beneficial that they account the other as their most valuable resource.    The Arcane Brotherhood manufactures the magical "smokepowder" that is the main export of Luskan and otherwise devote resources to the study and accumulation of magical power. The Bregan D'arthe sell distribute the goods and services the Arcane Brotherhood provides as well as seeks the acquisition of useful individuals and articles that may aid the Arcane Brotherhood in their endevours. They work in concert under the guidance of Jarlaxle in order to maintain military protection for the entire city of Luskan.


Though the counsil of four is split on the subject of the Arcane Brotherhood, Coltaine has final say on Military matters and views the potential ally of powerful sorcerers as invaluable to the war effort. Magic to counter Magic as it's ever been.   The Arcane brotherhood views baulder's gate as a potentially strong industrial asset.

Competitor / Ally

The Arcane brotherhood grants the Doom Raider Zhentarim aid only as a result of Jarlaxles relationship with them. Otherwise they don't trust one another and often compete for magical resources.    The leaders of the Arcane Brotherhood are especially hesitant when dealing with "Demon Devi" master of magic for the Doom Raider Zhentarim.


Laeral doesn't trust Jarlaxle or his ilk. She does however place the safety of her people above everything else and logically can see the Bregan D'arthe & Arcane brotherhood as powerful. Powerful enemies or allies she's undecided on. The recent events of "running off" the Xanathar and reacquisition of the money in the dragon vault does lean her more toward opportunist than enemy now however.   The Arcane Brotherhood views Laeral as an arrogant wizard who is too naive to understand the necessity of power and it's implementation.

Not to be trusted

The Harpers are against the methods of the Bregan D'arthe and the Arcane brotherhood in that they seek means of acquiring power and "security" and don't care overmuch if the means are immoral or not. They are especially dubious of Jarlaxle Benre whom the harpers at least understand as the "unofficial" leader of the whole citystate.   The Luskans on the other hand view harpers as little more than a fairly competent group of spies that are idealistic at best.

Not to be trusted

Many nobles in Neverwinter fear the population of tieflings that one and all are wealthy sorcerers within the trispire area. They are respected if viewed with extreme suspicion as either members or would be members of the arcane brotherhood.   The Arcane Brotherhood holds contempt for the segregation and laws of Neverwinter which restrict the use of magic to "nifty parlor tricks" though they would begrudgingly admire some of Pumat Sol's handywork.

Rivals / Conflicting stances

The Emerald Enclave stands above all to maintain balance in nature and natural things and thereby disapproves of the Arcane Brotherhood's methods. The Arcane brotherhood aims to obtain magical might through natural or unnatural means and doesn't much care for how the Enclave thinks of it.


The Arcane Brotherhood believes the Abjurers of Darujistan to be nothing but bigoted racists that either run out the tielfings and other minorities of the city or use them as fuel for their famous wards.    The Abjurers of Darujistan view the sorcerers of the Arcane Brotherhood as a significant magical threat to the sword coast. "Devil blooded witches up to no good" is an adequate if not verbatim for what you would hear from an abjurer on the subject.

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