

Neverwinter and Darujistan though most separated of the Lord's Alliance cities in geographic distance have a longlasting relationship of trade in magical goods and military services between one another.


Flaming Fist Coltaine understands the threat the Panion Domin represents firsthand and is in support of military action to protect Darujistan. He views the Abjurers of the city of vital import to military efforts.    Darujistan has always kept trade and protection agreements with it's larger neighbor to the north and the industrial nature of Baulder's Gate produces resources Darujistan uses on a regular basis.


The famous dragonward of Waterdeep was once made by an exceptional High Abjurer of Darujistan & the fist Blackstaff (Kelben). This relationship demonstrates the over all cooperation of these two city states. Cooperative, helpful, especially in the workings of wizardry.


Though separated by the whole of the sword coast the shipping vessels between these two nation/factions have grown greatly hostile toward each other. One considering the other only pirates, raiding and stealing what they can from the Abjurers. The Luskans viewing Abjurers as singularly closed minded wizards with no respect for their peers, lessers, or for that matter any minority, especially tieflings.


The Arcane Brotherhood believes the Abjurers of Darujistan to be nothing but bigoted racists that either run out the tielfings and other minorities of the city or use them as fuel for their famous wards.    The Abjurers of Darujistan view the sorcerers of the Arcane Brotherhood as a significant magical threat to the sword coast. "Devil blooded witches up to no good" is an adequate if not verbatim for what you would hear from an abjurer on the subject.