Order of the Steel Mask

The Order of the Steel Masks is a Phidas-centric knightly order in Kantoc.   Most recruits are either sons of the nobility or sons of Masks.  Like most knightly orders, they accept most candidates at a very young age and make them start out doing at least a few years of menial labor before taking on official squire duties (which are still pretty menial) for years before they can even pick up a weapon.   Phidas oriented or not, the Order of the Steel Masks trains their recruits vigorously in horsemanship, combat, tactics, and all other knightly skills so that they can hold their own among Kantoc's many knightly orders.       Steel Masks take oaths to both Phidas and the Kantoc crown though it is vaguely understood that Phidas comes first which makes other Kantoca give the Phidas Knights the side eye.  Because of this the Order of the Steel Masks are very image conscious and makes a point to always present a chivalrous and proper face to the outsiders.  These knights regularly go out of their way to do good deals in a rather public fashion.  They go out of their way to avoid realpolitik and ruthless ends justify the means tactics (the Masks have subtler groups to do this).   Officially, the order is a meritocracy and does discriminate against knights that have no spell-casting prowess, but unofficially, theurgists are fast tracked to promotion and tend to get the most prestigious assignments, though they are often ordered to fight undead or other minions of the the Void, so this prestige comes with a price.   The knights take Phidas' directive to guard against the Void very seriously and the Order of the Steel Mask is often first on the scene when Kantoc has problems with undead or Void Demons.  Most of their theurgists train specifically to fight these types of threats.  It is because of these knights fulfilling this dangerous and vital task that most Kantoca nobles ever invite the Phidas knights to their banquets.
Military, Knightly Order
Phidas Knights
Parent Organization

Cover image: The Accolade by Edmund Leighton


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