Phidas' Bankers

Phidas temples often act as an institution of lending.   Many Phidas temples also have very secure magical vaults, so some wealthy people pay the Masks to keep their valuables safe.   A few Phidas temples operate coin making mints.   The Order of Phidas' Bankers is not a formal order within the Masks, but it's a nickname that is really sticking referring to any Mask who commonly or primarily works with financial transactions.


Since Phidas' Bankers are not formally recognized as a true order, so there organizational structure is informal.   Essentially Masks that regularly engage in financial activities have a sense of kinship with other Masks that regularly engage in financial activities.   They have informal protocals and jargon and an informal pecking order based on a combination of wealth, political clout, and seniority.


Each generation, the Masks engage in more and more of these financial activities. In many nations, the Masks are the largest bank service providers. In some nations, the Masks are the only banking service provider available.   Originally most finanicial duties were given to a wide number of Masks on a rotating basis, but overtime it became more common to keep reassigning these duties to Masks with the interest and aptitude in financial duties, often to the point where these unofficial financial overtake their formal duties.   There is increasing talk of perhaps formalizing Phidas's Bankers into an offiicially recognized order within Phidas' priesthood, but institutional change comes slow among the Masks.
Religious, Financial
Parent Organization


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