the Sentinels of the Barrier

"The Masks sponsoring a group promising to protect Scarterra from corruption is a lot like foxes forming a group promising to protect hen houses."   -Farica, Uskalan Mask Breaker
  The Sentinels of the Barrier are an organization founded to combat supernatural evils, especially Infernalists and Void demons.   Since supernatural evils are hard to find, the Sentinels of the Barrier often spend more time going after mundane criminals than supernatural threats.   They are often criticized for coming down harshly on lowly common criminals but giving rich and powerful criminals a free pass for all but the most egregious offenses.


The Masks are a hierarchical bunch, but the Sentinels of the Barrier are few in number and have a wide geographic range to watch over, so a strict supervisory oversight is not feasible.   Members and cells are expected to be mobile and autonomous making reasonable decisions in the field without asking superiors for permission. They are expected to keep superiors informed and to send reports of their efforts via letters whenever possible.   Leaders are expected to interpret all the letters they get from agents in the field and send directives based on trends they observe. Still, their directives are more like suggestions than commands.


by me with Midjourney
"We have some code phrases and traditions but we don't have a standard uniform or insignia. We may be affiliated with the Masks, but we seldom wear physical masks. Our true mask is to present a façade of being an ordinary civilian, or at least try to look like a non-descript copper-a-dozen adventurer.   -Amra the half-elf, Sentinel of the Barrier

Public Agenda

To expose and eradicate corruption whereever it may be found, especially Infernalists.


by me with Midjourney
-Amra the half-elf, Sentinel of the Barrier
The Sentinels of the Barrier are a trans-national organizational with a wide influence, but not very deep. We have various headquarters set up all around Scarterra, some public, some secret.   Our headquarters boast impressive libraries of hard won lore and a few potent magic weapons, but almost all of our bases are coin starved and stretched thin just keeping our members' bellies full and our candles lit.
  No king or queen wants to appear against an organization dedicated to fighting Void demons, but few rulers want to give more than a pittance to our organization now since the threat of The Void seems so distant and small.   Though the same rulers who refuse to fund us suddently run to us crying like little babies when one of their subjects actually reports a Void Demon. Then we might get some real monetary donations, but it is always a one-off event not a permanent stream of funding"


During the so called "Little Unmaking", Void demons and Infernalists were a constant threat looming in the background of every tribe and nation in Scarterra. There were dozens if not hundred of groups dedicated to keeping the minions of the Void.   The group now known as the Sentinels of the Barrier claims to have been founded by the Lunatan elves in the wake of learning that their crown prince was an infernalist.   They had a formal inquisitorial organization with members of many priesthoods, but predominantly the followers of Khemra, Hallisan, and Phidas.   Over time, Phidas worshipers rose to primacy within the organization and/or non-Phidas aligned members opted to leave. As the ancient Lunatan elves evolved into modern grey elves, the threat of the Void seemed distant and they cut the funding for inquisitorial efforts. This pushed the now mostly Mask-dominated group to seek recruitment and funding elsewhere leading them to create stronghold and bases in Phidas temples in various human kingdoms.   The "Sentinels of the Barrier" used to be the "Guardians of the Barrier" but after "Guardians" became a common term for the core followers of Hallisan, the organization opted to change its name.

Demography and Population

by me with Midjourney
-Amra the half-elf, Sentinel of the Barrier
"Most of our recruits come from the Masks. We are supposed to get the cream of the crop when it comes to theurgists, warriors, and investigators. Most Phidas temples don't want to give up their best and brightest members to go on dangerous quests in faraway lands.   That said, even the most selfish Phidas temple leaders take Phidas' command to secure the Barrier seriously, so they don't dump their weakest and dimmest members on us.
  We tend to get Masks from the middle of the pack, so to speak. Our missions are difficult and dangerous. The Dragon's Path is difficult to walk on, so our new recruits tend to become very competant quickly or they die.   Membership is open to priests and priestesses of other Nonagon members, but the Keepers are the only group that sends us recruits with any regularity.   But some of the best recruits don't come from temples, they come from the real world. We routinely go after Infernalists, Void demons, liches, ogres, and even mundane murderers, rapists, and thieves.   The corrupt forces we target often leave a trail of victims behind them. Some of these victims want vengeance. For those of strong will and keen mind, we are happy to mold them into weapons of righteous vengeance if they are willing to join us.   There are exceptions, but most of our members are humans or elven, specifically grey elves. I happen to be half-grey elf, half-human."


The Masks are the primary sponsor of the Sentinels of the Barrier andd the majority of their members are recruited from the Masks, but this is not a requirement. Secular individuals and individuals affiliated with other priesthoods are occasionally recruited.

Foreign Relations

by me with Midjourney
-Amra the half-elf, Sentinel of the Barrier
We try to maintain good or at least neutral relations with every non-infernal organization in Scarterra. Easier said than done.   When we have confirmed instances of severe corruption, we can generally count on cooperation from various local entities (or at least we can count on them getting out of way), but when we are chasing suspected corruption, we are often met with eyeball rolls at best or stonewalling at worst.
  We are technically an indepedent entity from the Masks but since a majority of our members and almost all of our funding comes from the Masks, it is difficult to cut the apron strings.   Because we are so associated with Phidas, our allies are usually Phidas' allies and our rivals are usually Phidas' rivals.   We can usually count on aid from the Keepers and Stewards and we can usually expect Testers and Lanterns to get in our way.   We have a love-hate relationship with the Children, and various secular lords and ladies. They are generally sympathetic to our aims but they are also afraid we'll dig up the skeletons in their closets.   We share many enemies in common with the Guardians and Tenders, and this should make us friends but they are afraid to get their hands dirty and they shun us for our 'questionable methods'."
Religious, Inquisitorial
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Species

Cover image: by me with Midjourney


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