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Susaydian Rhodian Human

The Rodhians are the descendants of the ancient kingdom of Hegnor, which remained faithful to the cult of the Old Gods even after its defeat at the hands of the New Gods. After the fall of the Ancients, the Rodhian people slowly abandoned their old beliefs to embrace the new Gods. The High Priests of the Cults have lost credibility and powers, disappearing from public life.   The rulers of the kingdom continued the traditions, but without the power of the priests they gradually weakened. At the time of the Phan invasion the Kingdom of Hegnor practically no longer existed, and in 53 NE it quickly collapsed in the face of the Invincible Fleet. The conquest of the continental territories by the empire dealt the final blow to the already tested structure of the kingdom, relegating it to the large islands of Kamamaya and Colchis.   The cause of the definitive fall of the kingdom occurs in 450 NE, with the seizure of power by the Black Caliph. The Caliph will try to restore the cult of the Ancient Gods and the Patriarchy, bringing women back to the role of slaves and concubines. The oppression of women therefore gave rise to a rebellion in 472 NE which led to the fall of the Caliph's control of a large part of the Island of Colchis and the independence of the territories of the lands of Susaydis.   The island of Colchis will become a Matriarchy and the women who oppose the Caliph's rule will take the name of Amazons.   In 626 NE the Caliph, after having definitively freed himself from imperial control, decided to reconquer the continental territories of Susaydis, but the resistance of the population and the imperial troops repelled the attack, temporarily maintaining the territories under imperial control.   In the year 977 the island of Kamamaya is infected by the Darkness, helpless in the face of the new threat, the inhabitants of the island block the spread of the disease at the cost of great sacrifices. Nearly half the island falls prey to Darkness.   After the failure of the great Crusade, when many territories freed themselves from the yoke of the empire, the Caliphate "invaded" by a large number of refugees (fleeing from the Darkness) decided to conquer new lands to add to its dominion. The uninhabited western part of the Peninsula of Storms quickly fell under Kamamaya control, but when the explorers arrived at the Mountains of Evermists, they found them already occupied by the Altan Nests.   Caliph Najib gave orders to conquer all the territory where the Altan had settled, first with targeted raids and then, in 1275 NE in open war, but his soldiers were repelled again and again. After almost twenty years of attempts and bitter defeats, in 1293 NE the Caliph decided to unleash an attack on the Altan using flying creatures capable of attacking their Nests, but the creatures revealed themselves to be Demons and in a short time they corrupted the western side of the Mountains of Evermists. Even today, the danger posed by these creatures threatens to spread corruption to other territories.   In the almost thousand years of divisions of the ancient Rodhian people, the different social and political conditions led to a division into three main groups:  
  • Caliphate of Kamamaya
  • Kingdom of the Amazon
  • Susaydis League, the people fleeeing from the Darkness in the League and from the darkness in the other islands becomes to be called Southern Refugee

  • Rodhian Racial Traits

    • Ability Score Increase. Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom scores each increase by 1. Charisma gets a -1
    • Medium: As a Medium Creature a Rodhian has no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
    • Fleet of Foot: Rodhian base walking speed increases to 35 feet.
    • High Stamina: Rodhian have developed a way to travel long distance without exhausting themselves: They gain advantage on all saving throws to avoid becoming exhausted.
    • Grassland Lore: Rodhian have learned to travel lightly and to be silent when the danger comes near. They have a +2 racial Bonus in the Knowledge: Nature and Stealth skill.
    • Survivors: The Rodhian people are nomads and forced to flee from the advancing Darkness. The survivors are tough and learned how to survive. You get a +2 Racial Bonus on Survival Skill.
    • Favored Class: Ranger

    Vital Statistics

    Table: Random Starting Ages
    Adulthood Barbarian, Rogue & Sorcerer Bard, Fighter, Paladin, & Ranger Cleric, Druid, Monk & Wizard
    20 years +1d4 +3d6 +4d6
    Table: Aging Effects
    Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
    50 years 75 years 100 years +5d20years
    1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
    2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
    3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
    Table: Random Height and Weight
    Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
    Male 160cm +4d10 75 Kg + (4d6) kg.
    Female 150cm +2d10cm 70 kg + (3d8) kg.

    Naming Traditions

    Family names

    The Susaydian have mixed Naming use:
    • If they are wizards (and therefore Nobles) they take or receive a surname/nickname when they receive the diploma of the magical academy in which they studied. Children are referred to by their first name and the addition of a patronymic.
    • If they are not magicians (and therefore are commoners) they have a proper name and then are distinguished by their profession. If the city is large they sometimes keep the patronymic in addition to the profession or the profession becomes more detailed (e.g. Lada the Cook of the Menagerie or Vessar the Dyer of Sharim Street) Children are referred to by their first name and the addition of the patronymic.
    Parent ethnicities
    Languages spoken

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