The Scale Kind, a diverse group of reptilian and scaled sentient beings, emerged from the arcane experiments of the ancient elves, the Kui-Yuk. Initially created as servants and laborers, Scale Kind encompasses dragons, the Sliisk, lizardfolk, and other reptilian entities. Their creation marked the beginning of an era that would see the rise and fall of empires, the clash of titanic forces, and the slow decline of a once-dominant race.
Basic Information
Scale Kind vary widely in physical form, ranging from the majestic and powerful dragons to the humanoid lizardfolk and the serpentine Sliisk. Common to all, however, is the presence of scales covering their bodies, reptilian features, and in many cases, abilities such as venom production, enhanced regenerative capacities, and thermal sensing.
Genetics and Reproduction
Reproduction varies significantly among the Scale Kind, from the egg-laying practices of lizardfolk to the more enigmatic and mystical birth processes of dragons. The Sliisk, with their affinity for arcane manipulation, often engage in rituals to produce offspring with desired traits.
Growth Rate & Stages
Growth and maturation rates vary, with dragons experiencing centuries-long lifespans and lizardfolk reaching adulthood within a decade. The Sliisk undergo several life stages, each marked by rites of passage that enhance their physical and magical abilities.
Ecology and Habitats
Dietary Needs and Habits
Dietary practices among the Scale Kind are as varied as their forms. Carnivory is common, especially among the more bestial races, while others have adapted to omnivorous or specialized diets to accommodate their environments.
The psychology of Scale Kind is marked by remnants of their ancient dominion and the subsequent fall. Many harbor resentment or a longing for lost glory, while others seek to integrate or coexist with the newer races of Seerth.
This introduction lays the foundation for a deeper exploration into the specific races within the Scale Kind category, detailing their unique traits, societies, and roles within the world of Seerth post their empire's decline.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Scale Kind possess unique sensory capabilities suited to their diverse environments. Many have thermal vision, allowing them to detect heat signatures in total darkness. Others possess heightened senses of smell and hearing, or extrasensory abilities linked to their arcane origins.
Genetic Descendants
Crafted in the arcane forges and alchemical laboratories of the Kui-Yuk, the Scale Kind were imbued with various traits of reptilian creatures, designed to serve their elven creators.