Serenian (species)

The Sirenian race is a peculiar, hybridised people born of many generations of interbreeding between the Arkheran, Ilazari, and Elarondian settlers on the beautiful Isolas Sereni. Their magic, when present, is mild, and they have a distinct mixture of the youthfulness of elves and the gauntness of spellbinders. They tend to have tiny little tails too, a trait adored and mocked by visitors.   Generally a happy people, the Sirenians are happy to take their purer-blooded counterparts into their beautiful island paradises, and they're even happier to take their money through various tourist destinations. The Sirenians may be a peculiar, unique race, but they're arguably one of the most prosperous.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Sirenian faces are unilaterally hairless, small-nosed, and somewhat feminine. They usually have partially-pointed ears and grow their hair out long.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Serenians are almost exclusively found in the Isolas Sereni, as this is where the race first formed and emigration is rare due to the carefree life of the people.

Average Intelligence

Serenians tend to be relatively uneducated but perfectly intelligent and willing to learn. Serenian culture emphasises hospitality and enjoyment of life, so while friendly, many Sirenians are only as smart as they need to be.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sirenian naming conventions tend towards a fusion of Ilazari, Elarondian, and Arkheran naming conventions from elven, spellbinder, and necromantic cultures.   Male name examples: Laurel, Masco, Shiza'sheraz, Mortiz, Anvax, Jon. Female name examples: Jeyne, Esmerelda, Alturi, Mortissa, Kiraxa, Sina.

Major Organizations

Independent Republic of the Isolas Sereni (Isolas Sereni)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Serenians are generally on good terms with most other races, likely due to being originally comprised of many different cultures coming together to found a community on a set of beautiful, isolated islands. They have reputations as profiteers who charge extortionate prices for tourism and casinos set upon the isles, but most foreigners ignore these reservations and enjoy their stay with the Sirenian people.
Scientific Name
Homo pulchris magicis
Kakajuan Humanoid
70-130 years
Average Height
6'4'' to 7'6''
Average Physique
Sirenians are tall, lean, small-nosed and often pretty. They rarely if ever have body hair, and tend to have small tails.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sirenians can vary in colour anywhere from charcoal black to pale white, and their eyes are extremely variable in colour, crossing all sides of the spectrum. Their hair can similarly be light, dark, bright and dun.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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