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Kome is well versed in both martial arts and social graces. She is a born entertainer who excels at reading people and presenting herself in whatever manner willl put someone at ease around her.  


Kome has long black hair that she usually styles up in a bun or other more intricate updos. She has brown eyes and skin that is even more pale than most Shudani. When performing she often wears oshiroi face powder and other makeup to accentuate the femine features of her face. Underlying this appearance is a very fit athletic build, something that she works hard to maintain.   Most often she dresses in bright colors, preferring blues and greens. She has a pink and purple bag that she carries her possesions in, and sometimes carries her wooden bo staff with her.  

Personal History

Kome was born in Ahonato in s292, to a family that lived and worked in the Low Quarter. Her father worked at the harbor, her mother worked out of the house as a seamstress, and both of her grandparents worked at the Ivory Snowfall Inn in the neighboring High Quarter. Their small two room house became even more crowded when her younger brother was born in S299.   By the age of 10, Kome was already helping with her mother's work, and spending time at the Ivory Snowfall Inn helping her grandparents by cleaning and fetching things for the guests. Although Kome did not come from a wealthy family, she learned how wealthy people acted. She learned what they liked and didn't like, and she learned how to present herself in the ways that pleased them most.   In S310, when her grandmother became too sick to continue working, Kome took a full time job cleaning up and making simple alterations and repairs at Linen and Lace. Her brother, only 11 years old at the time, took a full time job at the docks with their father. Her grandmother died later that year, and her grandfather died two years after.   Over time Kome became good friends with Toru who lived next door. Toru's father taught Toru and Kome to fight in different ways. Toru focused on carrying a sword, while Kome preferred to look less threatening but fought with her hands or anything she could get a hold of. Toru's father died in S314, something that was difficult for both Toru and Kome. Around this time Kome quit her job at the clothing store and started taking on odd jobs that varied from protection and fighting to entertaining and socializing.   Toru and Kome later uncovered a coverup involving a connection between the Gold Guild of the city and a cult that worshipped Hamamoto. Toru believed that his father had been killed for learning about this, and so both he and Kome decided to do whatever they could to expose the cult's secrets to the city.
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
548 26 Years old
long, straight, black
140 lbs.


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