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Hamamoto is the goddess of darkness and loss. Her existence has been known and feared for as long as mortals have known darkness. Many pray to her out of fear, others for her blessing in the dark things they must do, but no wise being dares oppose her outright.  


Hamamoto appears like a dark horror from the shadows, covered in flowing black robes that hug her form from her neck down past her feet. Her face is that of an illithid, dark purple skin with inky black pupils and four tendrils surrounding a lamprey like maw. Out of her long tight sleeves protrudes cold purple hands with four long slender fingers tipped with sharp black claws. The robes are adorned with twisting shadowy forms that seem to move as if alive and attempting to escape at all times.  


Hamamoto is one of the oldest and most powerful deities of Seinnaris, and as such has come to view existance as a bit of a game. Even in the best of moods she is dangerous, treating those around her as disposable pawns who exist for her amusement. In a foul mood she is lethal though, vengefully lashing out at anyone who so much as crosses her path.  


Hamamoto once enjoyed a romantic relationship with Senno, who kept her entertained with wars and death throughout Seinnaris. Although the ever escalating conflicts eventually came to an end, along with their relationship, the two are still on friendly terms and enjoy games and challenges from time to time.   Hamamoto once engaged in an active campaign to usurp the role of Morigawa, mostly for her own amusement, and was eventually dragged into a prolonged conflict with both Morigawa and Natsugawa as a result. Although they eventually settled the conflict peacefully, the twin gods of death have never regarded her as trustworthy since. Hamamoto, for her own part, appreciates the two and enjoys provoking them for fun from time to time.  


Traditional followers are Acolytes of Shadow.   The Tunsheian represent a more proactive offshoot of followers.  

Places of Worship



  • Darkness is a holy day where one must stay out of the darkness from sunrise to sundown.


In the younger years of Seinnaris, Hamamoto was romantically involved with Senno. The relationship greatly centered around what he could do to amuse her. She constantly pushed him to greater and greater heights, encouraging him to create wars and death across the lands. It was this time that elevated Senno to the position of greater deity that he still maintains today, but it was also short lived and eventually he decided the world could not maintain it's current course. He chose to abandon it and his relationship with her.   Following that, Hamamoto found her entertainment in a different way. Capitalizing on her affinity for darkness and loss, she began stalking the shadows and claiming mortals who left the view of light for too long. In many lands it became a custom to leave a light on nearby at all hours of the night, even while sleeping, to protect oneself from being claimed. People began calling her shadow of death. The title angered Morigawa, who felt that her role was being infringed upon. Though it may not have been Hamamoto's intention initially, the thought of fueding with another deity appealed greatly to her otherwise melancholic self at this time.   She began encouraging the whispers among mortals that it was her and not Morigawa who would claim them as their lives end. Morigawa began to lose some of her influence and felt a wane in her own power. At this time Morigawa appealed to her brother, Natsugawa, to intervene. Though the twin gods of death don't always see eye to eye, they both concluded that it would be troublesome if Hamamoto were to entirely usurp the role of gatekeeper from Morigawa and then set her eyes on the realm of Natsugawa and the afterlife next.   Conflict between the three escalated quickly, culminating in The Long Night, and reaching a point where other deities began to intervene.   When Hamamoto at last backed down, she offered up two creations of her own to the twin gods to appease them and ensure them of the security of their posititions, Closure and Mercy. In exchange, the twin gods agreed that for one day out of the year Hamamoto would be free to prowl the darkness and claim any mortals within it. This day became a solemn holiday across all of Seinnaris, which is simply called Darkness.
Mistress of the Dark
Dark Goddess
Lady of Loss
Shadow of Death
Divine Classification
greater deity
black cescent moon
neutral evil
Typical Followers


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