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Shinsui Atsutane

Personal History

Shinsui was born in S187 and spent the earliest years of his life in Nanganato.   In S192 his father, Sankai Atsutane, accepted the position of Regent of Ganeshuku and forced Shinsui and his family to move there. Shinsui resented his father for this and tried to avoid anything to do with politics or the Atsutane Clan in general.   In S199 Shinsui's younger brother Sokaji was born, something which caused Shinsui to resent his own father even more. Despite this, he eventually took over his father's position as regent in S217.   In S219 Shinsui married, and in S220 they had their first child, Shijo.   Shinsui lived a relatively happy and peaceful life with his direct family, largely keeping out of the affairs of the clan as a whole. As a result, his position as regent was eventually given to Kozue Atsutane from what had been the third branch of the clan. Owing to Kozue's older brother Kafu Atsutane and how hard he worked for the clan, the third branch effectively overtook Shinsui's branch to become the new second branch instead.   Shinsui got to see the birth of his grandchildren Shoyo and Sawa in S250 and S251 before he passed away in S253.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
Date of Death
443 509 66 years old


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