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Kafu Atsutane

Kafu served as the Regent of Bashuku between S228 and S244, as well as the Regent of Nanganato between S244 and S263.  

Personal History

Kafu was born in S188, two years before his younger sister Kozue. The siblings were the children of Yono Atsutane and the tiefling Kosris, making them the first tiefling members of the Atsutane Clan.   Their aunt Kiriu Atsutane, who served as the head of the clan at the time, looked down on her little sister Yono for introducing tiefling blood into the clan. Despite this, Kiriu never ostracized the children themselves. Kafu was still subjected to unapproving stares and whispers from the other members of the clan when he was young. Because of this he worked twice as hard to prove himself as an educated, sophisticated, and powerful arcane practitioner.   In S214 Kafu was married and in S216 he saw the birth of his daughter Yukiko. She picked up his passion for hard work and turned it into a strong desire to prove herself just like he had.   In S228 Kafu was appointed Regent of Bashuku.   Although his mother was only the third child of Sanjiro Atsutane, Kafu helped elevate his family to the position of the second branch of the clan through his hard work and dedication. It helped that his cousins Shinsui and Sokaji, sons of Sanjiro's second child, largely neglected the clan.   In S243, following the death of the heir to the main branch Mitsugu, Mitsui realized he could no longer handle the role of head of the Atsutane Clan, Daimyo of the Southern Province, and Regent of Nanganato all at once. He pulled Kafu from Bashuku and made him regent of Nanganato instead, solidifying the respect and power Kafu had earned for his branch of the clan.   In S247 he witnessed the birth of his granddaughter Yokono, and he dedicated the remaining years of his life to tutoring and mentoring her.   Kafu died in S269.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
Date of Death
454 525 71 years old


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