Jyeppery Aarghyargh

Jyeppery Aarghyargh is a member of the Rarefire Crew and Houston Rarefire's first mate. He is acting captain of the Dog O' War when Houston is away or deployed in Saverge.   Jyeppery is missing a great deal of body parts. Over one eye is a black eyepatch with a googly eye, one of his hands is a fuzzy pink hook, and one of his legs appears to have been replaced with something metallic. He is also missing a large number of teeth and he claims to be missing one of his testicles as well.   Perched on one of his shoulders is a skrawk he names Blimey, who he blames for the loss of his eye. Despite this, they are constant companions and he shows a great deal of affection towards the creature.

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