Mallcop Allmight

Mallcop Allmight was an extremely muscular guard working as the head of the security detail on Quasar  He grew up on Castle-On-High, where he and his family worked in the fluxium mines. His entire family died when a skisland they were strip mining collapsed into the ocean. In the aftermath, Mallcop Allmight found himself Habitat-bouncing for several years looking for any work he could get, as he did not want to return to the mines. He ended up meeting his wife during this time, and together they were able to sublease a small plot on Arcadia. He secured a position working for Vindus Industries on Quasar in order to help support his growing family. Over the next few years, seven children were born. Mallcop is given two weeks of paid vacation every year which he uses to go visit them.   After attempting to protect Hermes from the wrath of Vichy Vindus, Mallcop Allmight had his arms de-muscled and was taken away by Alliance Paladins to an unknown location.