VD-500 Vulcan

The VD-500 Vulcan is an early model Dextra developed by Vindus Industries. It is a basic maintenance unit used for Habitat repair.   Vulcans feature classic rotator arms, which were the standard before Dexterity Corporation developed what would become the standard in arm servos. Also of note, these units do not possess heads. They were not designed with armored cockpits like later models, and instead feature a glass canopy over the cockpit.

Power Generation

The Vulcan was among the first generation of Dextra to feature Flux Drive technology.

Weapons & Armament

Vulcans were not designed with any weapons, however their standard equipment was useful in combat.
  • Arm Welders
  • High-powered plasma arc cutters melt through even the thickest plate metal. Intended to make it easy for operators to easily patch damaged spots on Habitats, they also found use carving into the hulls of starships.
  • Vise Manipulators
  • Pincer claws with grip strength in excess of 200 tons of force, capable of crushing steel.