Hallowed House of Major Sarkari Organization in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Hallowed House of Major Sarkari (Sa - Ka - Ri)

"Our Words are 'Tremble and Bow'. They are not a request nor are they a warning. It is a command, a command to fear power which is greater than your own, and a command which demands you bend the knee in submission."

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford | Artist Provided where Needed


The Royal family is made up of five separate bloodlines, each one containing one of the core Paths that make up the Inherited Magical Technique: Brahmā, Eyes of Creation. These bloodlines trace descent from the Sarkari that originally inherited the technique from Her Grace, Hasadiah the First Name of God.
  1. Kalpana Sarkari is the founder of the GANESHA Line
  2. Srijan Sarkari is the founder of the MAYA Line
  3. Kusum Sarkari is the founder of the SHAKTI Line
  4. Rishu Sarkari is the founder of the SHIVA Line
  5. Om Sarkari is the founder of the VISHNU Line
When a family member who is not the firstborn establishes a House of their own, this is denoted as a Cadet Branch of the Main Branch. A cadet Branch is considered a lesser House and distant cousin of the royal family. House Sarkari is led by five Heads of Household, one for each line of the Royal Family.


Grave Given

It was Samarji Sarkari who received the blessings of Her Grace, Hasadiah the First Name of God which gave each of her five children a unique Inherited Magical Technique. It was these techniques that boosted the power of House Sarkari and made them a force to be feared. The techniques are limited to beings born from this lineage. The apex of these abilities being Inherited Magical Technique: Brahmā, Eyes of Creation.
All 5 Paths of Brahma Set by Bellim, Caio



Tremble & Bow

The Planet Tamcania was home to House Zabbid and the Seat of Power for their dynasty. Prince Ja'Heem Ben Zabbid LXXIV was next in line to succeed his mother. The Prince was young and thus his uncle Khal'Hassar would rule for one year but plotted to steal the Heightened Throne from his nephew. Ja'Heem's Starship was brought down while on a voyage to Balthiin, and Khal'Hassar had Widow-Makers deployed to ensure he would not return alive. He was gravely wounded and left to die in the ocean-covered world.
The Prince washed up on the shore of a small settlement, where he was saved by a warden's daughter and his future wife, Dakini. When Khal'Hassar learned his Widow-Makers failed, he contacted Ruldu, Dakini's father, and promised him riches beyond his imagination for the prince's head. However, Ja'Heem countered his offer and raised Ruldu's family to the status of Great Magical House in exchange for helping him kill his uncle. Ruldu sided with the Prince and rallied his forces to wage war on Khal'Hassar. High King Ja'Heem kept his word after marrying Dakini and made Ruldu Lord of Balthiin. And thus House Sarkari came to be.
Everyone knows the Sarkari's were the Zabbid's favorite Great House. They were distant cousins after all, and whenever the loyalty of other Houses could be waivered or brought, any current High King or Queen knew that the Red Lions would always be at their command until they weren't. After a gruesome war with the Temple of Khaos, The Holy Order came to recognize the unwavering faith and loyalty of the Sarkari. Samarji Sarkari, current Head of Household was granted an audience with Hasadiah, The First Name of God and to each of her five children, an Inherited Majikal Technique was given.
Over the coming generations, this only served to make the Sarkari more formidable Wardens, keeping the other Great Houses in line. However, a mutation arose one year where a child was born with a new, 6th, technique, Inherited Magical Technique: Brahmā, Eyes of Creation, which gave the boy access to all five other abilities. He was heralded as a God and exhibited incredible power from a young age. But Qui'Heem Syn Zabbid CCXVII saw only a dangerous opponent and threat to the Heightened Throne. She called for Madhava Sarkari to appear before her and present the boy, Mahadaji. Her Spy Masters claimed Madhava was plotting to use Mahadaji to usurp House Zabbid and thus the High Queen demanded the boy's eyes be removed at once. Madhava bent a knee and submitted to his Queen, mutilating his own son to preserve his House.
When House Sarkari learned of this, they were outraged at the betrayal of trust from their Queen and the cowardice of their Head. Madhava argued the future of the House was more important. He forbid anyone from taking action against House Zabbid and the High Queen saw a potential enemy thwarted. Or, so she believed. Instead, all she did was turn a loyal House into a dangerous enemy. Mahadaji was saved from his blindness was a Warrior-Knight, Jatayu, who was rallied by his aunt Rishabha Sarkari to retrieve his eyes from the High Keep—doing so branded House Sarkari traitors and cost Madhava his head. He was an honorable man and was right to hold the lives of everyone under his House over his son.
Mahadaji, with Brahma, annihilated the Zabbid House so thoroughly that to this day it is scarce to find mention of them anywhere. But he was not content with even this, he furthered his House by conquering the three moons of Tamcania, and then a few planets in their system, and all surrounding systems. Such actions brought him into conflict with the United Stellar Commonwealth and the Golden Empire, neither of which bested him. Mahadaji conquered six galaxies, with an additional four surrendering to his might without a drop of blood spilled. His Warrior Knights, the Sabbid-Nin, were equal to none, not even the mighty Rādius, Lord of Light Ⅰ and his Gods could oppose him. He rocked the very structure of Midgard and was dubbed Mahadaji, The Red Lion of Midgard.
Before his death, the Red Lion had a sizeable portion of Midgard under his command, as well as 72 Minor Realms which flew the Red Lion Flag. This is what established The Laal-Sher Imperium, with House Sarkari at its mantle. Their sigil was a roaring red Lion and their words are "Tremble and Bow".  
In the ages following the death of Mahadaji, his kin would continue to rule the Imperium and grow in size and power. And so did their threat. The Golden Age Empire and The Covenant of the Sun both saw House Sarkari as a threat. This was to no surprise as they had often waged war on each other many times, a feat not many Empires can claim to have done. Among their most dangerous enemies was also the United Stellar Commonwealth (USC). And thus, a plot was hatched.
The Empire and USC led a massive siege of Planet Risuyama, Sarkari Seat of Power, glassing the planet and besetting it with an impressive armada. They were joined by serval other Great Houses that served the Sarkari, happy to be rid of their overlords, hoping to divide up what remained of their Empire for themselves. This event killed many of the members of the Royal Sarkari lineage who were gathered for the coronation of the infant Soorja Sarkari. It also provoked the remaining loyal Sarkari forces. This House was known for courage and power, they would all rush to avenge their kin, thus the Fhalla-Ninpo War began.
After 13 years, the war ended. The once great Sarkari lineage numbered in the hundreds of thousands, was humbled to a mere six. Three to the Empire, three to the USC. What remained of the Empire was cut up in fierce civil war and a den of traitors. Little is known of the fate that fell on the three Sarkari given to the Empire. If they were lucky, they died. But the three given to the USC were entrusted to The SummerTime Labs Corporation for genetic study, seeking to isolate their ocular mutations and weaponize them for themselves.
For many years, the Sarkari were kept as experiments, bred to keep their line alive and ensure Summers' experiments could continue. After many generations of failure, USC moved a number of experiments away. One, Nagini Sarkari, was moved to a black ops division of the government, dubbed the Crows. Director Casedon Junn put the young girl through a rigorous mental scrubbing to create an obedient soldier and employed her for many years in his division's operations. With her under his command, he planned to give her to the Lord President's eldest son so that Junn could control the USC behind the scenes.
However, Nagini's mind had not been undone, she had manifested Inherited Magical Technique: Maya, Eyes of Illusions, and used her Psionic powers to save her mental state. Through her years of service, she had done a similar process to many of the Crows, using a form of hypnosis and mental manipulation to make them loyal to her alone. Nagini killed Junn and liquidated the black ops team, but went through with marrying the Lord President's son, carrying out her grand revenge.
Nagini liked to take credit for the downfall of USC, and she may have played a key role in doing so, but USC was going to fall apart regardless. Its politics were corrupt and things like racism and slavery were rampant and very much legal under the right circumstances. When the fragile economy collapsed, its many enemies swooped in to tear what remained to shreds. The biggest was the Golden Empire, which had come to reclaim its lost assets. But Nagini personally saw to the murder of House Summers, she nearly ended their line if their eldest daughter, Desmonda, was still not on her travels.
Nagini killed the Lord President's son when she had no more use of him but allowed the two children she had with him to accompany her on her next quest. She also took her remaining loyal Crows and their captain, Hayden, whom she loved, back to Planet Risuyama, once a rich paradise now a dry desert world overrun with thieves and marauders. She re-took the planet and once again the Red Lion flew over the heads of Sarkari.


The Sabbid-Nin: Fear Incarnate

The personal guard of the Royal Family is the Sabbid-Nin, Warrior-Knights of unrivaled skill and power. These warriors are trained by the most exceptional Sword Masters Hosar can buy but their true strength lies in their immortality. When outside of Sunahare Kshetr, the Land of Golden Fields, the Sabbid-Nin are effectively immortal. They will pursue their mission with utmost vigor and reliance until the mission is done or they are recalled.
A relatively small military body, the Sabbid-Nin can only be employed by members of the Royal Family.

"Tremble & Bow"

Geopolitical, Great house
Alternative Names
House of the Red Lion | The Red Lions of Midgard
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.

Character flag image: House Sarkari Shield depicting a crowned roaring lion