Yinsama Frankie Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Yinsama Frankie

The 2nd Hand that Remains Hidden, Frankie Kassidi McAllistir- Sarkari, 1st of Her Name

Physical Description

Special abilities

Familiar Summoning King Aoda

King Aoda Familiar Summoning
Lord Aoda, God of the Mountains, is a massive serpent with scales as black as night and harder than steel. His golden eyes strike through his dark visage and hypnotically hold the gaze of any who happen to catch it. He is a Greater Summoning who can dwarf most medium-sized starships and vangs flowing with venom potent enough to take a demigod off its feet. However, Frankie more commonly relies on the serpent's phantom familiars for her purposes. Her phantom ebony serpents can connect to a person without them ever knowing and feed information back to the Master. A network of undetectable agents across House Sarkari that Frankie used to keep her subordinates in line.
However, if the situation arose, she did have more than enough combat experience with Aoda to make use of him. He excels at defensive combat, coiling around his Master to protect her with his resilient scales, and at offensive combat with his incredible speed and agility and deadly jaw strength. His massive size was great for larger combatants or hordes of hostiles.
Aoda can process cosmic energy in his bowels and release it from his mouth as a devastating blast of destructive energy on command. If concentrated it could crack the surface of a small planetoid. As with all Greater Familiar Summonings, the God of the Mountains must be commanded by his Master, should he sense weakness he will devour the Mage and absorb their power into his own.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Frankie was born to House McAllistir as the eldest child of Tensama Frasir and Yinsama Paige. At a young age, she was indoctrinated into The Hidden where she became a high-caliber assassin with mastery in mystic arts long since forgotten to the realms.


We are the Few who are Hidden

Dangerous. Secretive. Many. The Hidden is one of the Realm's oldest and most arcane orders of assassins in recorded history. But even this is insufficient when categorizing them as almost nothing is known about the intimate details of this cult. Its members are indoctrinated from across Yggdrasil by select agents and trained together as a Cohort. There can be as many as thousands in a single cohort, but by graduation, only 7 remain, ranked from most dangerous (1st Hand) to least dangerous (7th Hand). Yinsama Frankie is the 2nd Hand that Remains Hidden.



What Remains

After the Last Civil War, which saw the fall of the Greater Zabbid Empire, Frankie married Bhari Sarkari and had a daughter, Finlei Sarkari. However, The Hidden came to see House Sarkari as a threat when the Red Crusade began, and commanded The 2nd Hand to kill Bhari and Finlei, dissolving the superpower before it can establish itself. When the 2nd Hand refused, The Hidden deemed she had been compromised and dispatched the 1st Hand to kill her.
The 1st Hand was a Kissani warrior, superior in skill and ability to the 2nd, without a doubt. But Frankie had been compromised, she no longer strictly followed the dogmatic teachings of The Hidden and had come to be a master of many magical arts The Hidden considered taboo. When the 1st Hand came, she found a 2nd Hand very different from the one at Graduation.
Destroying The Hidden was a fool-hardy endeavor, but at the very least Frankie could kill the remaining five Hands, to send a message to her superiors. Tracking them down was not easy, they were all agents capable of perfectly assimilating into any given society or culture. It took years, the aid of King Aoda, and the formation of an espionage order within House Sarkari, The Bhenni-Nin, but in the end, the 2nd Hand was all that remained.

Family Ties

  • Frasir McAllistir (Father, 1st of His Name)
  • Paige Kassidi (Mother)
  • Bhari Sarkari (Husband, 3rd of His Name)
  • Finlei Sarkari (Daughter, 1st of Her Name)
  • Jataya Sarkari (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Madhava Sarkari Ⅱ (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Fhoibi Sarkari (Daughter, 4th of Her Name)
  • Fwenn Sarkari (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Simrin Sarkari (Daughter, 6th of Her Name)
  • Cornelius Dupree (Concubine)
A man of no renown, Cornelius Dupree was an impressive Mage and former Knight of The Order of the Dragons Head. Yinsama Frankie had five children by Sir Cornelius to wrestle control of House McAllistir from her sister Fia. She had forfeited her claim to Head of Household when she married Bhari, but her children by Cornelius were eligible in her place. Offspring from Frankie, as a result of Hidden training, were supernaturally loyal to her, and by extension House Sarkari. (This does not apply to children sired by Bhari as Sarkari genetics prevent the mutation from taking root.)
  • Hudson McAllistir (Son, 1st of His Name)
  • Zakahri McAllistir (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Orlaith McAllistir (Daughter, 3rd of Her Name)
  • Sofya McAllistir (Daughter, 4th of Her Name)
  • Elias McAllistir (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Bassani (Concubine)
While Sir Cornelius was a concubine of tactical superiority, Bassani was one for pleasure. A princess from a world plundered by House Sarkari during the Red Crusade, Bassani is a close confidant of Yinsama Frankie and a trusted friend.


Yinsama Frankie

Lady-Wife (Vital)

Towards Hayuba Bhari, the Wheel-Stopping Lord



Hayuba Bhari, the Wheel-Stopping Lord

Lord-Husband (Vital)

Towards Yinsama Frankie



Wealth & Financial state

As the Lady-Wife to Bhari Sarkari, all his treasures were also hers, and hers were also his. While Bhari preferred to conquer with Magic and Blade, Frankie favored a more subtle approach. Diplomatic conquering, but conquering all the same. She would arrange marriages between opposing powers and Houses under her command, offer a beneficial relationship, sometimes outright buying enemies, or allow them to surrender peacefully to House Sarkari. Regardless of her means, she always returned with barges filled with treasure and her pockets overflowing with ∐ Hosar. Be it paid in tribute or as thanks, her riches ran over.
Because of this method, some enemies came to see Bhari as the stick and Frankie as the carrot, but it was the other way around. Bhari was open and honest with his intentions. If you surrendered, he would spare you, if not, then it was war. But Frankie was more secretive, she never put herself in a situation where she had to negotiate from a position of weakness. She never openly threatened but worked behind the scenes with the Bhenni-Nin to create favorable circumstances for "diplomatic" peace talks.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Yinsama
  • The 2nd Hand that Remains Hidden
  • Hand of the Lion
She | Her
Pitch Black
Long Dove Silver (Dyed Raven Black upon marriage)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair / Cream
280 Lbs.
Aligned Organization

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.