NSA Computer Scientist

Mastering the Digital Frontier

The NSA Computer Scientist is a highly skilled and dedicated professional at the forefront of cyber warfare and information security. Operating within the National Security Agency (NSA), they are entrusted with safeguarding national security by defending against cyber threats, conducting advanced research, and unraveling the complexities of the digital realm.
Prerequisites: Technical School or Undergraduate Degree, Computer Operation 5+, No Prison Record

First Term:

Computer Operation 2
Electronics 2
Cryptography 3
Research 3
Pulling Strings: Computer Security Database

Subsequent Terms:

Computer Operation
Computer Empathy (if Empathy 1+)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: “Blanket” Wiretaps , Codebreaker Supercomputer , Laboratory/Workshop

All Terms:

Contacts: One Government, Intelligence Community or Specialist (Computer Operation or Electronics) per term. On a 1D10 roll of 10, the contact is foreign.
Promotion: 7+, +1 if Intelligence 7+
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Science & Research

Special Adventure:

--Inter Agency Pen Testing--
On a 1D10 roll of 7+

Impact and Importance:

  The NSA Computer Scientist plays a vital role in safeguarding national security and advancing cyber capabilities. By identifying vulnerabilities and developing robust security measures, NSA Computer Scientists ensure the nation's digital infrastructure remains resilient against cyber threats.
  Their proficiency in data analysis and cryptanalysis allows them to intercept, interpret, and decipher signals intelligence, providing critical information for national defense and intelligence operations.
  Through research and development, NSA Computer Scientists drive innovation in the cyber domain, enabling the NSA to adapt to emerging threats and exploit new opportunities.
  Their expertise extends to protecting vital infrastructure, such as power grids, financial systems, and communication networks, from cyber intrusions that could pose significant risks to national security.
  As guardians of the digital frontier, NSA Computer Scientists uphold the principles of national security and technological excellence. Their relentless pursuit of knowledge and dedication to defending against cyber threats shape the landscape of modern-day intelligence and secure the nation's position in the ever-evolving world of information warfare.

Key Characteristics:

  • Cyber Expertise: NSA Computer Scientists possess advanced knowledge of computer systems, networks, and programming languages. Their expertise allows them to analyze and counter sophisticated cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Data Analysis: Computer Scientists at the NSA are adept at processing vast amounts of data, extracting relevant information, and providing critical insights to support intelligence and counterintelligence efforts.
  • Cryptanalysis: These specialists excel in breaking codes, ciphers, and encryption algorithms, enabling the NSA to access encrypted communications and gain crucial intelligence.
  • Malware Analysis: Computer Scientists are skilled in analyzing malware and identifying its source, purpose, and potential impact on national security.
  • Cyber Defense and Offense: NSA Computer Scientists work on defensive measures to protect sensitive information and critical infrastructure from cyberattacks. They also contribute to offensive cyber operations to counter adversaries.
  • Research and Development: Scientists at the NSA are engaged in cutting-edge research to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats and develop advanced tools and technologies to bolster the nation's cyber capabilities.


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