
Confinement, Rehabilitation, and Reintegration

The prisoner profession represents individuals who are serving sentences within correctional facilities due to their involvement in criminal activities. While being incarcerated, prisoners may engage in various activities and programs aimed at personal growth, rehabilitation, and preparing for eventual reintegration into society.
Prerequisites: Forced due to capture while engaged by activity in other terms.

All Terms:

Strength +1
Education +1
Armed Martial Arts (Small Blade)
Foreboding (if Empathy 1+)
Medical (cascade: Diagnosis, Trauma Aid, Surgery)
Contacts: Two per term: Criminal. On a 1D10 roll of 10, the contact is foreign.
Influence Type: Criminal
Other Effects: No secondary activities allowed. Released after one term. After PCs have had a term as a prisoner, they may chose their next career normally, but must succeed at an Simplistic: Luck or Charisma check (whichever is higher) test to be accepted by that career. If they fail, they must instead choose @biker, Criminal or Drifter for their next term. This continues in every subsequent term until they make a Silplistic Luck check. After that they may chose normally.

Special Adventure:

--None (what, prison itself isn't enough?)--  

Impact and Importance:

  The prisoner profession encompasses individuals who are at various stages of their journey towards rehabilitation and reintegration. While incarcerated, prisoners have the opportunity to reflect on their past actions, address the underlying causes of their criminal behavior, and acquire the skills necessary for a law-abiding and productive life after release.
  Correctional facilities play a vital role in maintaining public safety by providing secure environments for prisoners while simultaneously striving to rehabilitate them. Successful prisoner rehabilitation reduces recidivism rates, contributes to community safety, and promotes the potential for individuals to become law-abiding citizens.
  Society's approach to prisoners aims to strike a balance between punishment, rehabilitation, and the ultimate goal of reintegrating them into society as productive members. The prisoner profession emphasizes the importance of second chances, personal growth, and the potential for positive transformation, recognizing that individuals can change and contribute positively to their communities given the appropriate support and opportunities.

Key Characteristics:

  • Confinement and Discipline: Prisoners experience confinement within correctional facilities, adhering to strict rules, regulations, and routines. They are subject to institutional discipline and supervision to maintain order and security within the prison environment.
  • Rehabilitation Programs: Many correctional facilities offer rehabilitation programs tailored to the specific needs of prisoners. These programs may include educational courses, vocational training, counseling services, substance abuse treatment, anger management, and programs aimed at addressing the root causes of criminal behavior.
  • Personal Growth and Skill Development: While incarcerated, prisoners have opportunities to engage in personal growth and skill development activities. This may involve pursuing academic qualifications, learning vocational skills, participating in artistic endeavors, or developing personal hobbies and interests.
  • Correctional Work Assignments: Some prisoners may be assigned to work within the correctional facility, performing tasks such as maintenance, janitorial work, food service, or administrative support. These work assignments provide structure, skill-building, and a sense of responsibility.
  • Behavioral Modification: Prisons employ measures aimed at promoting positive behavioral changes in prisoners. This may involve reward systems for good behavior, therapeutic interventions, cognitive-behavioral programs, and counseling sessions to address and modify criminal thought patterns.
  • Reintegration Preparation: With the goal of successful reintegration into society, correctional facilities often offer programs to help prisoners prepare for life after release. These programs may include job placement assistance, educational support, life skills training, and access to social services to facilitate a smoother transition into the community.


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