Project Thought

Attribute: Empathy
Like Project Emotion, Project Thought requires a preestablished empathic link in order to be effective, using Animal Empathy for animals and Human Empathy for people. Only simple thoughts may be communicated to animals ("climb the tree" or "attack the man to the left" for example). With human targets, the amount and quality of information communicated depends upon the power level of the empathic character's attempt. Basic success means that a single, simple sentence may be communicated (as with animals). A Stage Two success allows the empath to project a ghostly (transparent, two-dimensional) vision. Stage Three makes this vision opaque and three-dimensional. Stage Four adds auditory hallucination, and Stage Five appeals to all senses (except Empathy). A Stage Six success allows the empathic character to control the target like a puppet.
  As with Project Emotion, if the target's Willpower reduces the power level of a Project Thought attempt to 0, the target will recognize the thoughts as originating from someone else.


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