US Navy - Enlisted SEAL

The Elite Warriors of Sea, Air, and Land

The United States Navy SEAL profession represents the pinnacle of special operations excellence within the Navy. Navy SEALs are highly skilled and extensively trained elite warriors who operate in maritime, airborne, and land environments. They embody the highest standards of physical and mental fortitude, executing the most challenging missions with precision, stealth, and unwavering determination.
Prerequisites: Strength + Constitution + Agility = 15+
The character receives the following skills as a part of his basic training:
Large Watercraft 2
Slug Weapons (Rifle) 1
Swimming 2
Unarmed Martial Arts 1
Special: Characters with both Intelligence and Education of 7+ may enter OCS (Officer Corps School). If so, they receive a level 1 Leadership skill, are commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant, and then conduct their first term normally.

First Term:

Armed Martial Arts 1 (cascade: Large Blade, Small Blade, Polearm, Club)
Demolitions 1
Small Watercraft 1
Swimming 3
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Military Training Facility

Subsequent Terms:

Heavy Guns
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Small Watercraft
Pulling Strings: Aircraft Support, Base Clearance, Border Control, NGA Support, NMID Support, Mobility

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Military or Intelligence Community. Roll an 8+ on 1D10 for the contact to be foreign.
Resource Points: 1 per Term
Influence Type: Military
Special: If more than one term is served, + 1 to Initiative.  

Impact and Importance:

  SEALs excel in counterterrorism operations and high-risk special operations. They conduct direct action missions, counterinsurgency operations, and specialized reconnaissance, effectively neutralizing threats to national security.
  SEALs specialize in covert and unconventional warfare, executing clandestine operations behind enemy lines, gathering intelligence, and destabilizing adversaries with surgical precision.
  SEALs conduct maritime and coastal operations, including amphibious assaults, ship takedowns, and underwater demolitions. They ensure the security of critical maritime assets and maintain maritime dominance.
  SEALs excel in hostage rescue and personnel recovery missions, deploying their exceptional skills to retrieve and extract endangered personnel from high-risk environments.
  United States Navy SEALs embody the highest standards of excellence, courage, and commitment. Through their unmatched capabilities, specialized expertise, and unwavering dedication, they ensure the protection of national interests, the preservation of freedom, and the defense of American values.

Key Characteristics:

  • Elite Combat Training: Navy SEALs undergo the most rigorous and demanding combat training in the military. They excel in various areas, including small-unit tactics, advanced weapons proficiency, hand-to-hand combat, and maritime operations.
  • Physical and Mental Resilience: SEALs possess extraordinary physical and mental resilience. They endure arduous training, extreme conditions, and high-stress situations with unparalleled perseverance, remaining focused and effective in the face of adversity.
  • Specialized Expertise: SEALs specialize in a wide range of skills, including combat diving, airborne operations, close-quarters combat, special reconnaissance, and direct action missions. They are versatile and adaptable, capable of operating in any environment, from sea to land to air.
  • Operational Planning and Execution: SEALs are experts in operational planning and execution. They meticulously plan and flawlessly execute complex missions, utilizing their tactical acumen, situational awareness, and ability to rapidly adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Effective Teamwork: SEALs thrive in a team-oriented environment, working seamlessly with their fellow operators. They possess strong interpersonal skills, effective communication, and a deep understanding of the importance of trust, cooperation, and unity in high-stakes operations.
  • Leadership and Decision-Making: SEALs exhibit exceptional leadership qualities and decision-making abilities. They lead by example, inspiring their teammates and making critical judgments in split-second situations, ensuring mission success and the safety of their team.


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