Dream Cryst

Magical stones that glow with a faint light.


Material Characteristics

Dream crysts come in all manner of shapes, sizes, and colours but all possess a faint luminosity that remains even if the crystal is split into smaller pieces.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Like their physical characteristics, dream crysts seem to possess a myriad of magical powers. Much research has been done by scholars and no one has been able to determine how any singular stone ends up with any particular enchantment.   The most famous dream cryst in recent years is the infamous Nightmare Stone which was unearthed in the Echoing Light Mine. When the enormous cryst was separated from the ground, it allegedly subjected all those nearby to an endless string of terrible dreams; hence the name.   Another cryst of note is Tyral's Stone, which was found near the top of the mountain called the Thunderhead. The Gazel Ministry erected a monastery around the stone when they discovered that communing with the cryst allowed priests to speak with the spirits of deceased Saints.
Common State
Crystalline Deposits

Articles under Dream Cryst