Frozen Flame

A mysterious artifact whose name was first spoken by the ghost of Sinzil in his own burial chamber. The Anasazi shaman claimed that his ward-brothers had "succumbed" to it and subsequently turned on him.


Writings recovered from Sinzil's Repose included rubbings from Sinzil's bier and a large stone disc that was found elsewhere in the tomb. Inscriptions from the bier described Sinzil's life and his membership in a group called the Sanguine Scale whose duty it was to guard the Flame. The disc's hieroglyphs depict the Anasazi god—or "Loa"—Bahamut bestowing the Flame upon the Sanguine Scale.   The Flame was also mentioned by Deston Ashwood as he explained to Sylman, Eric, and Mongo of his involvement with the Animus Project. Baron Ashwood stated that he and his fellows are interested in this historical figure of Atsah and his connection to the Frozen Flame.
Item type
Unique Artifact