Ivan Whitehill

Father Whitehill presided over the Ulrich Monastery as the ranking priest. He was responsible for seeing to the visiting acolytes as they took their pilgrimage to the remote holy site.   In recent years he was working with Bishop Jarvas Falkner of the Khir-Adun to find a way to cleanse Tyral's Stone. He was due to report back to the Cloister of Knowledge in Redwall Citadel but was killed when a pair of yeti attacked the monastery during a blizzard.   Mongo, Eric, and Sylman managed to track down Father Whitehill's body after it was taken away by the yeti. In the back of the yeti's cave, the party found the priests' bones as well as his rosary. Determined to honor the fallen priest, Mongo now carries the rosary in his memory.
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