Marcus Findlay

A mercenary working for Alcar Borgen who was competing with Eric, Sylman, Karsus, and Mongo to find Sinzil's Repose. Phinneas Boggs got mixed up with Marcus and his gang but Mongo didn't realize it when they ran into each other at The Glass Flute. While the party found the tomb first, Marcus and his group laid an ambush while the party explored the ruins.   Upon exiting the tomb, Marcus confronted Eric and Karsus and demanded they turn over all of the relics they had found. After refusing, the mercenary swiftly beat the unprepared Karsus into unconsciousness. A skirmish quickly broke out between the party and the rest of Marcus' gang, but unfortunately for Karsus he passed away before anyone could help him.  
"Is that the best you got?" - Marcus Findlay to Sylman Zack
  After being defeated by the party, Marcus surrendered. Sylman and Eric, however, refused to let the death of Karsus go unpunished and quietly knifed Marcus in the night while Mongo slept.
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Circumstances of Death
Killed by Eric and Sylman outside of Sinzil's Repose.

Articles under Marcus Findlay