Alcar Borgen

Affluent aristocrat in Redwall who has an interest in collecting ancient Anasazi artifacts.

Alcar is a popular and affluent man, regularly holding extravagant parties for the social elite of Redwall Citadel including both the ruling Siva family and Gazel Ministry. He is known for his charitable donations to the archaeology department of Illiard University, and is a collector of rare and fascinating artifacts of every kind but having a keen interest in the ancient Anasazi lizardfolk. Alcar is unmarried and it is no secret that he desires the hand of Sephina Siva, daughter of the Duke.

Wealth & Financial state

The Borgen family wealth comes from their many farms and vineyards. His family first rose to prominence in Westlund from the fine wines produced by his great-grandfather from their estate southwest of the Citadel. They gained significant influence amongst the nobility when the family secured a lucrative contract providing foodstuffs to the Iron Wolves shortly before they became the de facto military force of Redwall. This contribution to the Duchy earned them the right to pass the title of baron down to future generations.
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