Nalia Drox

Serving wench at the Fist and Flagon tavern, rumored to be an informant for the Ravens of Redwall.

Nalia is a long-time contact of Sylman Zack. She is secretly an informant of the Ravens of Redwall thieves’ guild and can provide information so long as the pay is right.   Using Nalia as a source of information (as a tipster) works as follows:   You must ask Nalia specific questions and pay a small amount for each. Common questions cost 1 silver per question. Uncommon information costs 1 gold. Specific information costs 5 gold. Exacting information costs 10 gold per question. Dangerous information is identified as such in response to the first question, giving you a chance to back off. Probing too deeply might draw unwanted attention to both yourself and to Nalia.   Knowledge examples:
  • Common Knowledge: City guards are changed every four hours.
  • Uncommon Knowledge: Knarr Waldsson has the 10 PM to 2 AM shift.
  • Specific Knowledge: Knarr will open the southern gate for smugglers at 10:15 PM.
  • Exacting Knowledge: Captain Arbuckle is making a surprise inspection at 10:20 PM.
Nalia has a chance to know the answer to each question based upon her knowledge. The more specific the information is, the less likely she’ll know. If she doesn’t know, she’ll say so and won’t charge you for it. There is a small chance that if she does know something, it might be wildly inaccurate. Take your chances.   Planning and investigation might uncover additional information, if it is available. For a one day wait and additional 10 gold piece cost, an answer might be one step easier: specific to uncommon for example. For a one week wait and additional 100 gold piece cost, exacting information might be treated as uncommon if the information is available at all.   Nalia is a street-level informant, with general knowledge of the goings-on in Redwall. Seeking out informants with specialized areas of expertise is possible but you need to both gain their trust and line their pockets first. Examples of specialized contacts include alchemists, the Iron Wolves, merchants, noble socialites, and caravan captains (the Wayfarer's Guild in particular) among others.
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