Redwall Bazaar

The bazaar is a bustling, noisy, and energetic marketplace. It is the destination for many merchants travelling from far-away lands to buy or sell goods that they can't find elsewhere. Merchandise of all shapes and kinds can be found here: food, drink, textiles, metalwork, jewelry, woodcraft; if one desires it, it is likely to be found here.

Purpose / Function

The Siva family has long recognized the value of the citadel's location. At the center of the western province, all goods are naturally drawn through their gates before heading eastward. And while the Dukes have grown quite rich over the decades, so too has the entire region prospered. The bazaar is a key factor in that success and the ruling family places a very high importance on the form and function of the market and the district that surrounds it.


The bazaar is a giant, open-air space that measures several city blocks on a side. Over time the space has become developed to cater to constant foot and wagon traffic, featuring bricked streets and permanent wooden stalls. During the dry months, banners of the various trading companies can be seen caught in the wind bringing a flourish of colour to the district.
Market square
Parent Location