Trade District

The largest of Redwall's three districts, the Trade District is the beating heart of the citadel—and some would say the entire province.


The bustling Trade District is home to nearly every race and culture in Westlund, often drawn to the city to sell their goods or buy supplies to bring back to their people.


Being on the bottom tier of the city, the Trade District is surrounded on three sides by massive red stone walls. The walls are 30'-high with crenellations allowing for an effective defense. The walls are pierced by three huge iron gates that are manned around the clock by the Iron Wolves.


Near the eastern gate lies the Redwall Bazaar. It is a huge open area that is regularly overflowing with merchant caravans, shops, and vendors.

Guilds and Factions

Many large merchant guilds including the Greysmere Covenant and the Wayfarer's Guild have their headquarters on the edge of the bazaar. Additionally, the Iron Wolves have constructed their barracks here.   Near the Iron Wolves' barracks is Herod's Hall, the temple of the Azrinath.

Articles under Trade District