Report: The Goblin Warren

General Summary

The area surrounding Gravesend is made safe by the actions of five heroes: a goblin warren has been eradicated root, trunk, and branch. Heeding the call of the captain of the guard, Ryth, Basilio, Argren, Robin, and myself gathered at Our Lady of Benevolence. I performed a brief benediction, beseeching Lady Celestine and her Chorus of Angels to watch over us on our quest. We then set forth with the Church’s donkey, Madeleine, and made for a cave near the Goodgub Mine. Some of our party had learned of other wayward souls who had been in the area: A halfling woman named Eliat determined to eliminate the goblins on her own, and an eclectic purveyor of animals who had gone in search of her. My aunt cautioned me that they may already have met their final fate, but in my heart I hoped that Celestine would allow us the honor of rescuing them.     Upon reaching the mouth of the cave, there was a small home built against the edge of the cliff. A quick inspection found that it was inhabited by Prufrock- the eclectic animal merchant. Unfortunately through neglect or inept, his wares had escaped their cages. I was tasked with helping him retrieve the animals while the older members of our party either scouted or began making plans (looking back I believe I was chosen for this task due to my age and relative lack of experience). Several of the animals were easy to coax back into their cages , but eventually Argren and Robin’s help was enlisted to retrieve the animals. This first success appears to have been a good omen, and my heart was full knowing that at least one of the lost individuals was safe. Prufrock waited with Madeleine as we began the more perilous part of the day.     While several plans were discussed, we settled with the simplest option: Enter the warren and engage. When the fighting began, everyone performed admirably, and spells with which I had been practicing issued forth with Celestine’s light, annihilating Goblins with both fire and frost. At the base of a small incline we also found the corpse of Eliat. Asking Celestine to watch over her soul, we ventured further into cramped goblin tunnels where ambushes seemed to be around every corner. After surviving a hail of rocks hurled by goblin slings we encountered what appeared to be a goblin shaman, casting some sort of demonic wizardry at us. We overcame even this obstacle, eliminating ALL of the goblin menace.     There was a small pile of broken wares and poor weaponry, along with some food supplies. We loaded these onto Madeleine, but before heading back to Gravesend, Argren noticed a conspicuous pile of rubble. After hearty efforts of labor that would make even the hardest working penitent proud, we uncovered a chamber of stale air and a mystery wrought in ancient stone: a statue of a knight, clad in armor and holding a sword, with a plaque inscribed with unknowable runes. Doubtless we will need to find someone to translate, and further uncover the secret in that goblin warren.     Celestine’s blessings saw us win the day, along with the cunning and skill of our comrades. For now I will continue my chores in the Church, and seek further counsel with the angel Excoria.     Penned by Jene Dark   Adventure Patry: Jene Dark, Robin Foster, Ryth Venali, Argren Silveraxe, Basilio Rogelio García Morales   Date: 09JUL21
Report Date
09 Jul 2021
Primary Location


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