Report: Mystery of the Stone Knight

General Summary

Our expedition began with a statue. We discovered it some time ago when clearing a nest of goblins from a cave. It had puzzled us at the time, but it wasn’t until we had translated its inscription later that we realized that it could be concealing a hidden passage. We theorized that the statue may be one of the entrances to the subterranean network that is New Torovia, where the Torovians burrowed underground to escape conflict during the War. It was only fitting to return with our same companions for a closer look.     Seeing the statue again, we feared that we would be faced with no more answers than the first time we stood under its stony gaze. At first, it seemed that would be the case, and that we had trekked out all this way for nothing. But after puzzling over the inscription we discovered that it could be manipulated. When applied correctly, the room shook and the statue receded to reveal a tunnel entrance.     We descended the dark tunnel, our way dimly lit by bioluminescent lichen, and wondered at what we might find. After some distance the tunnel emerged into a large cavern. Hundreds of mummified human bodies laid about the debris of the chamber, their dusty armor identifying them as soldiers in an ancient battle. Jene estimated them to be somewhere between 50 and 500 years old.     Remarkably, a dozen or so wore elysian armor, marking them as among The Chosen. Some featured the bony remains of wings. This was evidently the site of a great battle, now a mass grave. Perhaps they were pursuing the Torovians underground? Ryth recalled a legend of Torovians fleeing the Celestian army into the “last bastion” - could they have been besieged at multiple entrances before shutting themselves away underground?     As we picked our way through the debris, a banshee appeared from the cavern depths and uttered a horrible scream. The dead stirred at the sound, and four mummified troops rose to fight. Basilio was the first to react, smoke and sparks revealing the fire of silent bullets. A flash of green flame lit the chamber as Ryth attacked the banshee head-on. I took aim from atop a rubble heap, piercing one of the sluggish mummies but missing the banshee.   “Back to the depths with you foul creatures!”   “I got one!”   The shouts of my comrades echoed throughout the chamber. They had caught us spread out across the large cavern. The banshee wailed a piercing scream, even from my safe distance I could feel my skin crawl with chills.     Ryth struck down the banshee, which dissipated into smoke. Argren broke into a rage to face the remaining mummies. Basilio darted up to the last mummy, stuck his barrel in its mouth and fed it two shots. I ran to recover Jene, who had fallen in the fight, and with Argen’s help got him on his feet.     The danger passed, we continued on down the dark meandering passage. Other passageways seemed to have once branched from the main corridor, but have since collapsed - perhaps intentionally. After a long trek, we came to a rusted door budged shut. After some strenuous efforts, we managed to scrape it open.     In the chamber stood two statues of knights. Two more laid together in a broken, jumbled pile. Each statue depicted a knight in armor. Inscriptions read “Holy Knights of the Pantheon” and “Mage Knights of the New Arcana” in the Torovian script. The “holy knight” bore mismatched armor that featured motifs of leaves, stars, skulls and flames, and held aloft a two handed hammer. It bore a shield and bow at its back and a longsword at its side. The “Mage knight” was decorated in a long cloth under sparse armor, and bore a long staff tipped with a serrated blade.     Evidently these Torovians worshiped some pantheon, even though they opposed both sides of the conflict in the War. The statues puzzled us, but in the moment any significance they may have had escaped us. A single door led from the room, although our study of the New Torovia map lent us to believe that there should be other exits. We pushed on through the door into a massive hall. The walls were lined with ancient, burnt bodies, the high vaulted ceiling supported by massive pillars. At its center sat a stone plinth atop which something emanented a celestial energy. A suit of armor lay collapsed at the foot of the pedestal.     Ryth commented that this pedestal was similar in nature to one he and others encountered “at old grimsbys place.” Fearing a trap, our group hesitated a safe distance from the pillar, as the placement of the bodies in the room suggested that many had been blown back by a force emanating from that point. Drawn in by the celestial energy, Jene approached cautiously with amulet in hand. An echoing voice spoke and the collapsed suit of armor suddenly glowed with celestial light. It rose, glowing wings aloft. Greatswords flew at each of us, impaling the ground where we had just stood and glowing with a golden light.     Ryth was the first to act, rushing to Jene’s defense even as the boy implored with the spectre to allow us peaceful passage. It did not, and so Jene’s spiritual sword danced forth in a flash of blue fire. Several of us were thrown by a force against the far wall of the cavern in the fight, and I realized with dread how the bodies had piled there.     The spectre floated towards where Argren had been thrown, still prone on the ground. It drew one of the glowing greatswords from the ground as it approached, and impaled first the dwarf, then the gunslinger. Alarmed by the rapidly appearing pool of blood coming from Basilio’s body, I pulled myself up and rushed to help him, bracing for the swords to come. They danced around by their own volition akin to Jene’s spiritual weapon, but in far greater number.     With the help of his bat familiar, Jene healed both Argren and Basilio, sparing just enough time to escape the fray of swords. The spectre turned its attention to me next, and my mind went black.     I was told later that Basilio returned to the fight, spinning on his heels and firing once more at the armored spectre. Argren struck a smiting blow at the spectre, dislodging a gemstone from its breastplate. As it fell, the spectre spoke incoherently once more and faded, the empty suit clattering to the floor.     I awoke to see Jene at my side. Nearby Argren investigated the unmanned armor that splayed on the floor, picking up a cracked gemstone. Upon closer inspection, the armor resembled that of the Chosen we had seen previously, but more ornate and with an empty slot where the gemstone had been set.     We took some time to collect ourselves and rest. Once refreshed, we continued on ahead. On one side of the great hall stood a massive door, larger than any we had ever seen. Opposite the hall opened into a hallway, obstructed by debris but passable. Taking this route, we trekked for some half hour on a gradual incline towards a strengthening light which eventually emerged into a castle. Thanks to his familiar Gloria, Jene was able to report the scene in advance. The castle was infested with goblins adorned in red scars. Giant bats crowded the ceiling and walls. We’ve discovered the lair of Riki-visha and his goblin horde. We slipped away undetected to bring the news back to gravesend. With any luck, the goblins will not discover the now unguarded caves beneath them.     -Scribed by Robin Foster   Adventuring Patry: Basilio Rogelio Garcia Morales, Ryth Venali, Jene Dark, Robin Foster, Argren Silveraxe   Date: 24MAR22
Report Date
24 Mar 2022
Primary Location


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