Report: Malice in Malaster

General Summary

"Our goal was to save the people of Blackwater. We saved a few, but certainly not all of them." Monique starts, an ale sitting mostly untouched in front of her. "We knew before we left that Halueth was seeking power, and making moves. He had already turned in his father for his crimes, but this trip may have sealed his power in Malaster. He scares me, and the power he's gaining scares me too."   "There were rumors that some of the people were trying to save were being tried for consorting with demons, and another group was there looking to free those demons. The Blades of Ash. We knew ahead of time they might cause problems. We had no idea how big those problems would be."   "When we got there, we looked to gather information to help plan our rescue. We talked to Olga who we were staying with, scouted the knightskeep where people were being kept, had a conversation with Ayana Telamon, and went to the shady market both for information, and to stock up."     "According to Olga, our innkeeper, the Blades of Ash were planning to attack the next day, and according to some urchins in the market, who failed to rob us and then were bribed for information, they planned to attack in the middle of the night."     "Both of them were wrong. At 9:00 the first explosion went off, in the middle of the city. Shortly thereafter, four more explosions went off, all over the city. The docks, church, market and knightskeep were all hit. We all ran off to help, though help ment different things to all of us. I healed innocents who were hit. I figured, we could run our own rescue mission later. Thought I made that clear, but I guess not. By the time I finished in the residential area, a few of us had started a scuffle in the knightskeep. I shoulda stopped and attacked." She sighs. "I focused on helping the people who were hurt, but the call had been made and even though I didn't hear it, I should have gone in and attacked."     "We did win that fight, and Patrick and I finished helping people at the church explosion. We killed Sir Faldric in that fight, and then went down to the dungeons. There we managed to rescue Lia and Trent Whittmore, Dame Pinna Bluebell, and Gretta Mattison, and then left in a hurry. In the chaos, Pales left, tailing the Blades of Ash, and we confirmed with a sending that he'll be tailing them for a bit."     -Orated by Monique     Adventuring Party: Patrick Smith, Stiks, Pale Moon, Monique, Ryth Venali     Date: 12MAR22
Report Date
12 Mar 2022
Primary Location


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