Demon Wastes

  Rivers of lava cut across plains of black sand and volcanic glass. The only vegetation consists of blood-red moss and a thick layer of shimmering slime. A jagged rock formation might be a piece of an ancient wall, if you stretch your imagination.   Tens of thousands of years ago, fiends ruled Khorvaire. The Demon Wastes held the seat of power for some of the mightiest archfiends, home to cities of rakshasas and demons. Most of these foul entities perished or fled long ago, but a few still linger in this place even as new ones crawl up from the depths of Khyber. A handful of primordial ruins sustained by dark magic dot the bleak landscape—ruins that may still be home to fiends and their treasures.   The Stone Cage, Shadowcrags, and Icehorn Mountains separate the Demon Wastes from the Eldeen Reaches. A series of canyons known as the Labyrinth further separate the Demon Wastes from the rest of Khorvaire. Due to ancient warding magic, any creature that wishes to leave must do so through the Labyrinth. These passes are guarded by the Ghaash’kala, tribes of orcs sworn to contain the evils of the Wastes. Beyond the Labyrinth, the mortal inhabitants of the Demon Wastes include a brutal people known as the Carrion Tribes. Each tribe is devoted to an archfiend, and they engage in endless battles against the Ghaash’kala and the other Carrion Tribes.   If you’re creating a character from the Demon Wastes, you’re likely associated with either the Ghaash’kala or one of the Carrion Tribes.

Interesting Things About the Demon Wastes

  • A variety of fiends inhabit the Wastes, including devils, rakshasas, and demons. These creatures are spawned by Khyber, not the Outer Planes.
  • The Demon Wastes are riddled with portals to abyssal demiplanes, unearthly realms populated by fiends and other horrors. These inner realms include vast and twisted forests, living oceans, realms of rusted iron, and stranger places.

Ghaash’kala Characters

The Ghaash’kala are primarily orcs, but their numbers include a few half-orcs and members of other races. They devote their lives to guarding the Labyrinth and containing the evils of the Wastes. When creating a Ghaash’kala character, consider the following:   The Binding Flame. The Ghaash’kala worship Kalok Shash, the “Binding Flame.” Fundamentally the same religion as the Silver Flame, Kalok Shash is a harsh faith that requires all able-bodied folk to fight in the endless war against the forces of darkness.   Sacred Champions. As a Ghaash’kala, you are a champion of the Binding Flame. A paladin sworn to the Oath of Vengeance, a barbarian on the Path of the Zealot (found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), and a cleric of the Light or War domain all represent a logical path for a Ghaash’kala character. Outlander and hermit are appropriate backgrounds, reflecting your harsh upbringing or religious devotion.

Carrion Tribes

The Carrion Tribes descend from explorers and refugees twisted by the evil in this realm. Explorers usually encounter these savage folk as enemies, but occasionally a hero emerges from the shadows. When creating a character from the Carrion Tribes, consider the following:   Sworn to an Overlord. Your tribe is devoted to an archfiend. This can serve as the roots of a warlock’s pact or the inspiration for a barbarian’s rage. Are you still loyal to your dark lord, or did you break free from its influence? Either way, work with the DM to develop the details of your overlord.   Child of a Savage Land. You were born into a lawless realm where violence was the only constant. How have you adapted to life on the other side of the Labyrinth? Are you superstitious, refusing to adapt to this new world, or are you doing your best to learn the ways of this strange realm?   Why Did You Leave? You began your life as a servant of darkness. Have you embraced the light? Are you fighting the servants of your former master? Or are you a pawn in a conflict between overlords? You might serve an evil force, but the cultists you fight serve even darker powers.  

Cities and Sites

Settlements are few and far between in the Demon Wastes. The Carrion Tribes are semi-nomadic, assembling camps in the crumbling ruins of long-forgotten cities built by demons in the first days of the world.
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