
Just one century ago, the Kingdom of Galifar spanned most of Khorvaire. Of course, we never tamed the lands beyond the Graywall Mountains or the jungles of the east. Nevertheless, it was impressive, this kingdom of humanity’s.   Now I look at the map of Khorvaire with a touch of despair. Galifar lies shattered, the Five Nations irreparably divided. So many new realms claim sovereignty—kingdoms of elves and goblins, and what of this nation of monsters called Droaam? Can it last, or will another war fracture us further? Should I dwell on such things when the Mourning might simply consume us all? Gods, how I fear the future.
— Lyrian Das, Morgrave historian
Although humans make up the majority of the population in the nations of Khorvaire, the continent is home to a wide range of peoples and cultures. Once largely unified under the Kingdom of Galifar, today Khorvaire is split into many nations—some old, others newly born from the crucible of war.

Nations of Khorvaire

An excellent system of roads connects the central nations of Khorvaire, and travelers can always make their way by horse or coach. Major cities are linked by the lightning rail of House Orien, which allows one to avoid the perils—and tedium—of the roads. If speed is an issue, one can book passage on a House Lyrandar airship. This is the fastest way to travel, but also the most expensive. This book’s introduction has more information about these and other travel options.
Included Organizations

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