Bonding with a Palyr


This tradition started shortly after Palyrs were tamed and trained for warfare. It was found that the Palyr and rider worked better as an oiled unit if the pair bonded when the Palyr was still a cub, newly weaned from its mother.   This bonding gives comfort to the rider because the Palyr is another member of the team, sometimes being consider a family member. The Palyr is (most of the time) the first and last line of defense when in battle.


There usually isn't magick involved in this tradition. After a Palyr cub is weaned from its mother, a rider (usually a higher up soldier) chooses which cub he wants to bond with. Darktide Defenders also get a Palyr but usually don't get their choice of which one.   Over the course of the next three moon's cycles, the rider spends most of his or her time with the Palyr so that they can get to know one another as well as building trust. At this point, there is enough trust, and the Palyr is big enough that the rider can start introducing the animal to the concept of reins and saddle so that it can be mounted.   After it's used to saddle and reins, the rider can start training it for combat. There is a natural learning for the Palyrs as they have some genetic memory. They are fast learners as well, allowing the rider to safely go into battle (if needed) by the time the Palyr is six moon's cycles old.   The longer rider and Palyr are together, the more intune they are with each other. This gives the rider the freedom to concentrate on other things instead of having to give orders all the time.
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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Aug 10, 2024 03:36 by Deleyna Marr

Love this idea! They would be a formidable team.
