Darktide Defenders



A team consists of six Defenders.   Assassins are solitary units.   Defender teams can work effectively together when needed.


Defenders don't use any special equipment during battle. When they leave the City of Darktide, they take Tents, furs, cooking equipment, and meal rations (such as the Salted Mochyn from the Dishes of Tangwyn: From Palace Feasts to Peasant Treats).


All Defenders carry Sword or Dagger. Most Defenders don't need either because one or both of thier Defender Abilities is a weapon, such as the Elemental ability. Where as someone who is a Healer aka Energy Absorber needs a physical weopon as energy absorbtion is a time intensive activity that usually isn't viable in a fight.


Most Defenders ride Palyrs. Though if a Defender has the Enhancements of speed or the Shapeshifter ability (as long as their animal isn't small or slow) then they don't require a mount.


When it's just a team on it's own, it is led by a Team Leader.   As the teams come together or all of them must ride out, then Darktide Defender Ranks are followed.


Their tactics adapt to who and what they are facing off against as well as what Defender Abilities are available to use.


Novices spend 5 to 10 seasons in training at the Palace in the City of Darktide. This includes hand-to-hand training, weapon training (Sword or Dagger), ability training, and mount training. Once a Novice has gone through The Binding, he/she is Bound to the King and are now full Team Member rank.   All Defenders who are not on missions live at the Palace and are required to do both daily training sessions (hand-to-hand and weapon). It is urged that they continue practicing their control over their ability but this is done on their own time, and without an Ability Leader.



The King provides everything they need for equipment, supplies and such. Any finacial support, such as paying for rooms at inn, is covered by the King's coffers after the Innkeeper submits for reimbursement.   Defenders are supplied some money to cover costs but otherwise aren't paid.


The recruitment to this group is limited to the supernaturals of the Kingdom of Merkan, at least of the ones that aren't killed before being brought into the Palace for training.


The Darktide Defenders were created by Tuathal near the end of the Civil War. He enlisted the aid of the supernaturals of Crefalls and was able to get their cooperation, except for a small group that broke away near the beginning of the war and those who'd already left for Depool.   They've been serving the King of Merkan every since.

Historical loyalties

Once The Binding was in place, they had no choice but to follow and obey the King of Merkan.
Magick Special Forces
09/01/0008 During Civil War
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Articles under Darktide Defenders

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character flag image: by Lady Wynter by way of DreamStudio


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Aug 5, 2024 14:57 by Marjorie Ariel

Interesting. The Binding reminds me of The Crown's Game and The Crown's Fate by Evelyn Skye.

Aug 5, 2024 17:54 by Lady Wynter

I haven't read either of those. I'll have to check them out.

Bringing the Light
Aug 6, 2024 10:25 by Adrian Waite

I imagined a commando scenario seeing them gear up. I love oaths and so The Binding caught my eye. Having to train their abilities on their own time is interesting. Feels like the Leaders trust more in steel than magic.

It's Gravy Time!!
Aug 6, 2024 20:10 by Lady Wynter

Thanks. They do have a commando feel to them. As for the Leaders, it's not that they trust steel more, it's that they trust that the non-novices aren't going to hurt themselves or others, or blow anything up when not supervised. Maybe I should add that in when I can.

Bringing the Light