
Basic Information


The Palyr has 4 legs and paws (with claws), a massive body that is well-muscled, a neck and large head with a flat face. It's essentially a tiger but bigger and girthier. They have five sharp claws on each paw. They have soft fur over a thick hide that is tough to cut through, except the belly is soft and not as thick.

Genetics and Reproduction

A male and female have intercourse. This usually results in the female being impregnated. Gestation lasts for three moon's cycles with the female giving birth to a litter of six cubs at the end of it.

Growth Rate & Stages

Cubs are weened from their mother after one moon's cycle, and are fully grown by six moon's cycles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While it can eat meat, which it gets as treats, it eats a regulated mix of grains and veggies to keep it healthy. It mainly drinks water but will also drink milk.


The palyr is an apex predator. It's aggressive when protecting its territory and/or its rider. When it was wild, it was mainly solitary but now that its domesticated, it is more social with Tangwynians and members of its own species.

Additional Information


Cubs were taken, raised and bred in captivity. The new cubs would be taken from their mothers as soon as they were weaned to be raised exclusively by Tangwynians. When they were properly domesticated, they were trained to be mounts and war mounts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

All over the Kingdom of Aon but are now solely distributed over the Kingdom of Merkan.

Average Intelligence

About as smart as Tangwynians with a slightly longer short-term memory.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It has two eyes in its face and two ears. Both sight and sound are more senstive than a Tangwynian.
Scientific Name
Pléaráca Síne Theafainn
26 years
Average Weight
300 to 500 lbs
Average Length
7 to 9 feet

Articles under Palyr

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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