Flaming Honey Mead


In the forgotten dawn of time, before the world cleaved into factions, gods and goddesses reveled together. Their grand feasts, fueled by the intoxicating Flaming Honey Mead, culminated in wild celebrations that marked the turning of seasons or victories over primordial chaos.   Legends whisper of a night when this revelry transgressed a sacred boundary. A mortal, somehow, became entangled in the gods' ecstatic revelry fueled by the Flaming Honey Mead. This transgression, some say, sparked a furious debate amongst the deities, fracturing their once unified front.   The truth behind the Flaming Honey Mead and the fateful night that followed remains shrouded in myth. Was it a spark of forbidden passion, a careless act of hubris, or something more sinister that severed the harmonious bond between the gods?


It was common knowledge in the Kingdom of Aon before the Civil War. Though no one was willing to talk about it when there was a Priest around. It would come up, most of the time, when men where drunk and thinking that would be cool to 'get it on' with a Goddess.   It was written down (with copies made) and stored in libraries across the Kingdom. Very few exist today and the tale has been mostly forgotten since the Civil War happened.

Cultural Reception

It's more of a side story that people have fun talking about. Though, they are never willing to talk to a Priest about it so that they don't get lectured about being reverent to Morgance and a reminder that She was one mortal.   A few have taken this tale to heart and believe that if they could drink the Flaming Honey Mead they would become a God/Goddess like Morgance did, even though this tale isn't anywhere close to the truth.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
During the Time of the Gods
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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