
"Why use gold for currency?" an artisan said.
The woman sitting on half-dressed on the settee gave a throaty laugh. "My dear, what else would we use to pay our way?"
"There many things we could use." His gaze remained fixed on the canvas in front of him. His hand gentle held a charcoal pencil as he sketched. "Silver, perhaps."
"We would need twice as much," she said. "Or so I've been told. Besides, silver is so much harder to work with."
"You would look lovely draped in gold."
"A good way to die, that." She stared at corner where he'd told her to. "Or a bad way. In either case, it's not something I wish for."
"I have ideas."
"You always have ideas," she said. "And some of them are good. Let's stick with those ones, my dear, as I am the one paying your way."
The artisan bowed his head slightly. "As you wish, my lady."

History & Usage


It is said that gold was originally found in puddles of molten fire from a mountian that doesn't exist (or at least no one believes it exist).   As it is, gold is found in the hills around the mountains that do exist. Though it is not mined by digging caves into the hills. Seekers walk the hills looking for where the gold has been pushed to the surface. They carefully retrieve the gold, then make sure to heal any damage they caused the earth.   It doesn't decay or corrode. Older gold is only known as such because it's color isn't as bright as it once was.

Everyday use

Gold was once widely used across the Kingdom of Aon as currency.   For the most part, now only the Kingdom of Merkan and the Kingdom of Natal use it for currency.   In the Kingdom of Manzi it is fashioned into coins of various weights and sizes with the nictifa being the largest and heaviest.


It comes in a solid form but is malleable and ductile. This allows it to be molded into any shape. Most commonly it's seen in the shape of coins and bars, depending on one's location.
Common State
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Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe and Canva


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