Prayers and Chants


These prayers and chants are used a way to be closer to Morgance. Most people know these by heart and they are passed down by oral tradition. They are also written down. Copies of this book can be found all over the Kingdom of Merkan.


Marriage Prayer
Priest brings following:
  • Marriage Tome
  • Three candles
  • Three incense
  • Pitcher of water
  • Three empty bowls
  • Bowl salt
Priest draws on his magick and intones, "Morgance, bless this place. Bless the ____ (groom) and ____ (bride). With your aide, these two become one. Earth stabilize them. Water nourish them. Air wrap them together. And fire bring them strength."   Priest lights the three candles.   Groom says, "My word is my bond. With Morgance as my witness, I take ____ (bride) as wife. Forever one from the moment forward."   Groom lights the incense   Bride says, "My word is my bond. With Morgance as my witness, I take ____ (groom) as husband. Forever one from this moment forward."   Bride pours water in the empty bowls and places a bowl in front of the candles.   Priest says, "The words have been spoken for all to hear. ____ (groom) and ____ (bride), you are one soul until death or disgrace part you. This is our will and it will be so."   Priest sprinkles the salt around the candles then on the Groom and Bride.   Groom and Bride say together, "This is our will and it will be so."   Priest fills in the tome with their marriage. When the Priest had pulled the magick in and blows out the candles.   Death Song for Royalty/Warriors
As shadows fall, memory etched in stark contrast
Fragments of pain burst in sunlight
Fire swallows courageous hearts
Time stretches and remembers all.   The day fades on the heroic heart born in battle
The peace of night descends in lingering pain
The death of yesteryear chasms into the abyssal sands of time
The fiery perfection of the soul never changes   Shadows swallow for a time
Stay is to truly die
Step into the light of morning
Stray back home to all who remember   Honor remains as we carry the dead
Voices whisper in the dark
Ghostly figures seen in day
We remember friends who are no more   Death Song for the Commoner
Time has come for us to say goodbye
Through fire you return to the light of Morgance
May fire give birth to you in another life
And may we meet again in hope and health   Prayer for Newborns
Fire has brought you to us
May its light bless you
May Morgance give you health
May she protect and guide you   Prayer for the New Year
With the light of the new fire
May the Goddess bring the winds of harvest
May she bless the sun of growth
May Morgance guide and protect us in the New Year   Morning Prayer
With Morgance's grace I have risen
May she keep me in her light
May her fire protect me through the day   Afternoon Prayer
With Morgance's continuing grace the noonday sun is above my head
May she grant her wisdom to me
May she protect and guide me to nightfall   Evening Prayer
Morgance has granted me the gift to see another night
May her love see me through to morning
May she protect me and all life through the dark time   Prayer for Protection for Traveling
May the road rise remain stead under you feet,
May the wind be gentle at your back,
May your journey be safe,
And until we meet again
May Morgance protect and guide you.   Prayer for Protection in War
May our blades remain sharp and our arms strong
May the breath stay steady in us and shatter in our enemies
May we prevail in battle and Morgance protect us always.   Prayer for Protection on the Water
May the water be smooth and the wind in our sails
May the journey be fast and our goods unspoiled
May Morgance protect us and guide our boats.   Prayer for Guidance
With Morgance as my aide
I seek guidance to find/know/understand ____
This is my will and it will be so.   Prayer for Happiness
May Morgance grant me happiness
The wisdom to know I cannot have it all
And the serenity to accept what I have.   Prayer for Health
With Morgance's aid
May fire destroy the evil in my body
And restore me to the height of health   Prayer for Wealth
May Morgance smile on me
And grant me lots of nictifas
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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Jul 18, 2024 08:43 by Nathalia Books

I love your article, only your background makes it hard to read it.

Every story starts with a dream, so start dreaming
Jul 18, 2024 23:13 by Lady Wynter

I'm glad you like the article. I'm still messing around with the CSS to help with the background.

Bringing the Light