

Morgance, the Most Blessed One, created Tangwynians, who called themselves the Yestar because only through the power of star magick could Morgance have created them.   They sang songs of stardust (now lost to the ages) to her. The Yestar are a tall and lithe, with ethereal skin and brillant colored eyes. Morgance bestowed some with the gift to rule, providing them limited Magick so that they could be a bridge. Others she gave a lot of Magick to, so they could be healers of land and mortals, and to be protectors. A small group she gave access to her own personal Magick so that the Yestar could communicate with her and she with them. The majority were given no Magick or Magick would become meaningless.   They were led by the King and Queen given to them by Morgance. They listened to Morgance through the Priests. Supernaturals healed and protected and kept the regulars were safe. To help, the royals appointed several members of their family to be nobles to help in ruling the regulars. Among the regulars, three special groups rose to promience: The Sun Chasers, The Wind Riders, and The Sky Readers. They helped the Yestar prosper.   But as time went on royals didn't listen as closely to Morgance or the Priests. Variaions in looks came into being, such as height. Eye color weren't as bright in later generations, and skin became more solid. The Yestar became more hardy. But The Sun Chasers, The Wind Riders, and The Sky Readers remained true to Morgance, listening closely as the royals once had. They retained the original look of the Yestar. These three groups joined together and moved to the sea to become Outlanders, leaving behind a legacy of how to have bountiful harvests, the taming of wildlife and navigating by the stars.

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Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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